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Sanjeev Loomba


Sanjeev Loomba



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Gabriel Flores  0:00  

Hello, everyone and welcome to the shades of entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Gabriel Flores. Today we have an international guests very excited about this Sanjeev Loomba How are we doing?

Sanjeev Loomba  0:15  

Good, good gravy. Okay. Great to be speaking to you and a big hi to your guests.

Gabriel Flores  0:20  

Where Where are you calling in from?

Sanjeev Loomba  0:22  

I'm, I'm in London. And when you said that I quickly just look out of the window because

I lose count to where I am actually. But today I am in London and I live in London. Yeah, London,

Gabriel Flores  0:35  

over in London. In fact, it 8pm over there right now and in Florida, for just, it's actually noon here in the United States, folks. So for those listening United States, you can kind of get a general idea of the time chains. So Sanjeev Please introduce the audience who is Sanjeev tell us a little about yourself a little background?

Sanjeev Loomba  0:54  

Oh, wow. Who is Sanjeev I think the best way to explain that is I'm in I see myself as an instrument of value as an instrument of, of bringing outcomes and helping people to achieve whatever their outcomes that they're looking for. So I am a mere instrument of value. Where do I come from? So here's the here's the practical history. I mean, I'm an Indian by Origin, I was born in India, and at the age of 10, we moved to my family to the UK. And, and since then, I've been based in the UK, but you know, spying spent seven years in France, two years in America, a year in Amsterdam, so literally been all over all over the world with work and so on. But that's, that's it. That's where it comes from? Yeah. And

Gabriel Flores  1:54  

so would you consider yourself a global citizen? Kind of seem to be everywhere.

Sanjeev Loomba  2:01  

I mean, who was a Gabriel, who was born, French, or German, or Spanish, or, or, or Chinese or Japanese, we were actually born just as much human and DNA and the brain and the mind and the heart as anyone else. We become these things, we we label these, I think, I think having a cultural heritage is superbly rich and supreme, because it gives you a most amazing dimension, which then if you share it with people from other dimensions and other cultural dimensions, just makes the richness of the world. But so I, I think at the heart, I always feel Indian that that's, that's where that's where my cultural references, but literally, I am a citizen of the world. Yeah, I think,

Gabriel Flores  2:55  

you know, one of the one of the things you mentioned, too, was you're talking about the mind, right? And in fact, your company, value partnership, tell us a little bit about value partnership, what is it? What do you guys do?

Sanjeev Loomba  3:08  

So value partnership is it is my method, which is the evolutionary form of entrepreneurship. And it's the way that every every individual doing any kind of work, whether it's business entrepreneurship, or, or a corporate leader, or political leader, or a welfare head, or charitable person, or anyone at all, in public service, whatever weed or sportsman or musician or whatever, it is the way that we engage with our world in terms of bringing the value to the world. So here, I mean, just in summary, here's the difference. An entrepreneur says, what product can I make? What service can I make? Who can I sell it to? How much money can I make, which is fair enough, and it's brought us here, and it's done. It's done a good job. Probably here onwards, we need someone completely different. They're doing exactly the same work. And I'll give you examples if you if you want, but they're doing exactly the same work. They haven't changed their work, but their starting point is who's out there? And what, how is their world changing? And what kind of impact value impact priorities is that throwing on them? And then and only then sets about saying, Let me develop a service let me develop a product to be able to service that that value. I mean, you know, I leave it up to you, if you if you want examples, but you know, there's examples pouring out of my

Gabriel Flores  4:42  

mind. Let's take a step back real quick for the listeners. What is like a value proposition? Right? I think a lot of individuals and entrepreneurs probably hear about it, like what's a value proposition? How do you create value? In your sense, what what does that mean? What does that mean to an entrepreneur?

Sanjeev Loomba  4:58  

The first thing I will say is To remove this word create, we don't create value. The only value you could say we create is for for shareholders. But even that, I don't believe in using the word create. So, and I'll be very specific what I mean. And the moment that our entrepreneur friends who are in business or starting up or thinking of doing business, think in these terms, because who am I to create value of anyone value exists? Again, I'll come back, I'll give you an example. value exists. My role as a value printer, is to engage with that value, understand it genuinely, and be obsessed by it. And then and only then develop responses to service that value. So I don't create value I serve value. So you know, that's, that's the way we go. It's some someone was saying to me, I'll come back to more specific examples of, you know, from from my own work and stuff. But just to give you a little flavor of this, someone said to me, Sanjeev, does this apply to everyone? So yeah, absolutely applies to everyone. And so they said, Well, what about an office cleaner? And I said, Yeah, sure. Absolutely. It applies to obviously not. So think about this, an office cleaner, who's going into work with the thought of same old office, same old dredge, same old broom, same old materials? It's mundane, it's horrible, it's demeaning, it's not a nice job. And that's the kind of thinking that if you go into work with that thinking, Are you going to be energized, or you're going to be depleted, it's a very simple thing, and which is going to take you more towards success, but at the same cleaner, so that cleaner is doing a job doing work, but with the same way to make money. But if the same cleaner is going in oblivious about what they're getting, and in their mind is turning, what am I about today? Yeah, there's 100 People who work in that office. So by doing the work I'm doing, I'm sanitizing that office. So I'm removing all viruses. So I'm protecting health. And by by cleaning it really brilliantly, and giving a nice, crisp, fresh smelling atmosphere, those guys, they're going to be able to work much better. So their productivity is going to go up is no longer a cleaner. He or she is the bringer of health and the bringer of, of productivity. Now, with the same that the work hasn't changed, Gabrielle, your business hasn't changed. But that obsession of coming out of the me zone into the Eurozone is fundamentally energizing. Now you tell me the next day that which is the guy, which is the lady who's going to go in a lot more energized, a lot more interesting. And if you were the office owner, who would you put you know which of those the ones you would promote? Or give a bonus to, or might even say tomorrow that hey, you want to start a cleaning business? I'll invest in you. So actually, the value printer is fundamentally more satisfied, and actually becomes wealthier, we are missing this. And we're making it about me, how much can I sell? How much money can I make, you know, and that desperation, will bring down my resilience, my resolve will generate fears and this, this is the fundamental aspect of every entrepreneur which they need to let go and release. People say you don't, you know, be fearless. It's not it's not that easy. It's not that simple. You can't you can't say right, today I'll be I want to have fear, you can switch your mind from the me and the wanting zone regenerates fear to the you and the giving zone, which is actually actually devoid of fear at all. And and there you go.

Gabriel Flores  8:53  

That's a that's a solid point. Because you know, one of the things I was constantly talking about. So I work in the healthcare world, and one of the things I'm always talking about new employees, is it takes all of you to care for these patients. Right? You're kind of alluded to it right? It takes the janitor being great at their job takes food service takes a PA takes a ma takes all these different, you know, individuals to help care for these one patients to have a good outcome. And I try to convince folks to take pride in that, you know, take pride in these little opportunities. And I think what you're talking about Sanjeev too, is you don't have to be a business owner to be a value entrepreneur.

Sanjeev Loomba  9:33  

Absolutely. Absolutely. Entrepreneurship was very trendily a few years ago, out of the it was born a word called intrapreneurship. Right? Did you come across that? So it was basically saying that if you're working for for a company for a business, but behaving so you're an employee, but behaving like an entrepreneur, so let's call that intrapreneurship with value partnership with We forget the idea of whether you're working for yourself, or whether you're working for an organization, ultimately, you are only working for yourself. Whoever you are, if you're a project manager, you know, in Johnson and Johnson, you're actually working for yourself. Because the whole issue is that as a project manager, how far is your mind going that this project, I'm working in Johnson Johnson is going to do help to release new stents to be able to service my, the end patient and be able to not see the patient, you know, after just six months, because they're coming back for re intervention, but after six years, because they're healthy and living like, so. It's it's your your value printer. And value printers are happier. And they Yes, yes. And they do become wealthier. There's no question about it.

Gabriel Flores  10:57  

Yeah. And let me let me give the listeners at home a great example. So I'm sitting on the board of directors currently for the American Association of physician liaisons and the president of the board. One thing I'm constantly talking to our board about is how do we create value to enlist more national members, one, which also creates a stronger brand awareness to which also creates more value back to the sponsors that attend our conferences for these members, right. And it's all about creating value, or sometimes perceived value, as well talk about the difference between value like creating value and then creating the perception of value.

Sanjeev Loomba  11:38  

Okay, super brilliant. Did you say it was the Association of Physicians? Correct? Ah, I love working with physicians. So there we go. So your question is, what's the difference between creating value and, and the purpose building the perception of value direct? Okay, it's just sequential. First of all, let me go straight to the point. And then I'll come back, give you an example. Go straight to the point look. Think about this. If I have something of value for you, something of great value for you, which really effects you or helps you with your priorities or shapes your life in some way or improves your work or deliver something of value to you? Let's say that I have something which is absolutely positioned and sorry, absolutely the perfect response to your value. But you don't find out about it. Who am I doing a disservice to I'm first of all doing a disservice. So nothing wrong with marketing and building perception on the country. It's the most noble act. And people say, Oh, marketing and sales is a dirty word. If you do it with a dirty mind that you know, how much can I grab and how much money can I get and stuff like that, then then it's a dirty act, you know, as a surgeon who's using a scalpel, to take out a kidney to replace it with a good one. And as an A surgeon who's using a scalpel to take out a kidney to sell it. It don't blame surgery, don't blame the scalpel. The scalpel is great, it's the intention behind it. So if your intention is to deliver value, and if you then don't build the perception behind it, and a brand behind it, for the world to know, then you are doing it not only then you're first of all doing a disservice to your market to your customers, because you have something which you are not showing them and they're not the it's a beautiful word perception. Actually, I love the word perception because you know, the classic four Ps of marketing people talk about the P of promotion. And I say don't call it promotion, it is perception perception of what so let's think about this perception of what it is the perception that my response through my product, my service is genuinely serving the value that I've understood and again I'll remove the word create and use the word serve value, I don't create value I serve value to serve value, you have to understand it. So So therein lies this this amazing this difference. I was talking about finished physicians. I was coaching and building perception and so on I was I was coaching a very senior cardiologist interventional cardiologist. I was asked by Johnson and Johnson to do this for one of the the top cardiologists I won't name the person in Paris because he was going to present a paper in a huge conference. So you talked about conferences and and how to build a perception. And when so they invited me to come and help them and coach him to be able to make this present. I went to Paris. And there it was, we were practicing this thing you got to you've got an auditorium of four and a half 1000 people, a gigantic screen behind him and in lectern and the laptop and here he goes that Dear colleagues, thank you for coming to my presentation. I'm going to We talking about drug eluting stents as opposed to normal stands because these, bring this and we studied 1500 patients. And we did this and we did that. And here was the research protocol. And you know, it literally, it was yawn provoking. And I said, you know, a professor, making a scientific presentation is no joke. And he said that you're absolutely right, when you're essentially, it is no joke. I hope no French people will get offended by what I'm saying. But there is a lovely, lovely gentleman, he said, it is no joke, or do you mean I said, because in a joke, you keep the punch line to the end. And that's why this is not a joke. So build the perception that people and then you see the engagement. And here is kinda long story short, he invited me the following week to PCR, it's a big cardiology conference that brought my yo in Paris. And I was sitting in the front row and the presentation, he forgot the laptop and the, and the lectern and the screen and everything, he walked up to the stage, and this was no trick. It had we had inculcated that feeling of you are an instrument of value, you started by saying, Who are you and I said, I'm an instrument, he came up to the edge of the stage. And there were for one and a half 1000 physicians sitting in that in that in that hole. And he just looked at them and said, Dear colleagues, I want you to imagine you've come into your cath lab. And there you have a patient with a complicated lesion at the bifurcation point of the aorta, and the complication of diabetes, what goes through your mind, you don't want to see the patient. After six months, because they're coming back for re intervention, you want to at least wait six years, and they're having a comfortable life, that the cost of your intervention comes down by 20%, that you're going to handle to more patients in the day. And that you can significantly increase the safety of the patient. And there was a harsh in the room, absolutely cutting engagement. And he zipped it. And someone in the front row said Professor way with you can you show us how. And then he took pleasure in ensuring the slides and so on. So it's, this is not a trick of hooking anyone, I'm talking about a genuine obsession, of serving that value. And when you've added but to serve that value, you have to understand the value to understand that value, you have to lose the sense of self, you have to go into the use fear and understand it from there, then you build your responses to your products and services to perfectly so that by the way, before you even build your products and services. Before you understand value, you need to understand whose value so you've got to be clear with your market. I mean, Steve Jobs was absolutely clear. He decided to kick the biggest volume market segment available to him, which was corporations, he had that kind of courage to focus strategy is about as business is about as much about saying what I should do as it is about saying what I shouldn't do. And and it became the richest company in the world. I'm not saying kick, high volume markets. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying make a decision in which markets and on whose value your responses, your talents, your skill, your capability or knowledge, your product, your service can make the biggest depth of impact. Choose those markets, then build your responses, then go out and with pride. Be able to say, dear customer, we know you have this value. Here's how to serve it, who it's actually impossible to fail and not do amazingly well. In business. It's impossible.

Gabriel Flores  18:48  

Yeah. And you know, I think Sanjeev what you really highlighted. And I hope the folks are understanding this is when you're curating that when you're talking about value, like you gave the example about the provider in doing a lecture, the reason those providers became so engaged is because he used a case study that was relatable to them. That again, going back, Sanjeev was talking about understanding the users issue and what the user perceives as value and what's valuable to them. And then targeting that, you know, I talked about this often I do a lot of national presentations and do a lot of you know, keynote speaking. And the first thing I try to constantly do is how do I one relate to the audience, right, humanize myself, right? So they can know like, Okay, I'm a human. And then I start pulling out the heartstrings. And then I'm gonna give you the data, right? Because there's nothing more in like when you have the audience and you you just know, right you just know you have the audience you have their full attention. But now you need to actually bring them something of value at the end. They can't be like, you can't just build it up and then just flat right

Sanjeev Loomba  19:55  

at the end. Absolutely. At the end and and very much the beginning. That's the start of the journey. Because there's only one way ultimately you will engage and you're alluding to this very very beautifully Gabriel there's only one way you will engage your audience. And that is by hitting them by what by touching their value and not not by speaking about yourself because then people will see you and I'm not and again I repeat, folks for for all entrepreneurs, budding entrepreneurs and people who listen to Gabriel's and I've listened to some of the podcasts you've done Gabriel I think you're doing absolutely stellar work and helping so many people and my my my point to you is is this lose yourself forget yourself this might sound harsh you know, there are two spheres in life think about this there's the media sphere and the youth sphere right? What's turning in the media sphere? Me my product my business my bank? My my bank account my my future my growth my success my competitors my customers? My my sales my profits my revenue, my family my growth? All this is turning in my in my in the me sphere? What's turning in the US sphere? In the customer sphere? Exactly the same things in reverse me my priorities, my customers? My sales, my family, my growth, my success? The it's a simple question, which sphere? Do you need to obsessively sit in? Me or the you? Know, it's, it's and to that extent, you actually have to bigger, put a big red cross on the me sphere. And leave yourself out of this equation, and sit in there as royally. And someone said to me, yeah, but Sanjeev What about me? And what about my success? If you're telling me to cross out the the misfit? What about what about me? And what about my value? Now, here's a question. And reflect on this, you know, here's the question, Who will you buy from? Someone who's obsessed with you your value and looking at you and understanding you genuinely, you know, or the person who's trying to sell you a contract and win your business? Right? It's a no brainer. And everyone gives the same answer. It's the first guy, and who will you argue more on prices with the second guy, which is the entrepreneur, so who's going to get wealthier, and then if the value printer is actually going to you're going to buy from, they're going to sell more? And at better prices? And and who's going to become wealthier? In any case, it's, it's a no no brainer, integrity makes you wealthy.

Gabriel Flores  22:51  

And I think I think for the folks listening, if you've gone back and listen to a lot of these entrepreneurs, less successful entrepreneurs that I've interviewed on this show, they will constantly talk to you about creating value for the customers, I think, you know, to your points of view, especially in the healthcare world, where one, you know, we can come out with these very niche, you know, products and very, you know, helps like one in every 20,000 or 40,000 patients. Well, who's that truly, like, that's not very valuable. You know, it's like, if you're cleaning something that helping every one of four patients. Now that's valuable, right? Not to say that those one and 40,000 patients aren't important, but I'm saying we need to try to find out how can do the one and four. Right, yeah, focus your time on that. Now, what would you say are some of the common mistakes entrepreneurs have when trying to create a brand around value?

Sanjeev Loomba  23:45  

The fundamental mistake is that they if I asked, and I often do when I'm teaching coaching entrepreneurs, or corporate people, and I say what is a brand? And what does it do? And you can imagine the list that comes in if I asked you, you know, everyone listening to this right now, here's the list and correct me if I'm wrong, the list would be a brand is a brand identifies me. It shows who I am, IT projects me and my products, and it gets me known. And it I did and it identifies me, it's a logo, it's an asset, you know, and it it's, it's what I use to generate, it generates income for me and profits for me now, who am I talking about? Which sphere are mine? I'm back in the Mi sphere. And do you know how I spell sphere but the correct spelling of sphere is SPH GRE right. And I need to go into the use sphere. And that's the same with the brand. And but the mistake I make is I stay in the me. S F E A R. sphere. I hope it works for me. I hope they like me. I hope my brand goes forward. I hope that I'm better than competitors. I hope they realize Is that I'm and the moment you're in the I hope you've gone in this is the fundamental mistake. So I make the brand. I think the brand is about me. Now the question, if I asked you the question, name me a successful brand, and what makes you associate with it? And whether you know, you say Tesla or Apple or, or your local coffee shop, you know, down and you might say, Well, my coffee shop is a great brand. Yeah, great, cool. You know, Joe's Cafe down the road, it's a great brand. And so why is a great brand. Yeah, because he's really understood that every morning when I'm on my way to work, I'm so pressed for time. And so so he set up, he sent me an app, and I give a preorder. And, and he can actually track when I'm, you know, 200 yards away, and my coffee is made and ready and it's already paid for from an app. So it's saving me time, it's getting me to work on time and enjoying my coffee, I don't have to. So suddenly the whole thing has translated into into value. And that's a good way. So now, the brand is not about you anymore. It's not about me, the owner of the brand, it is always about what it is delivering is it speed? Is it certainty? Is it availability? Is it surety is it creativity is it ident densifying. Me is the customer is as part of a group or something. So the moment you go into the meat zone, you will find successful brands the moment you sit in the sorry, the the US zone, you will find successful brands, the moment you sit in the rezone, those are the brands that they tend to go and it's very difficult to even name those I mean, I know many Nokia, BlackBerry, right, Kodak gigantic brands while they were their

Gabriel Flores  26:59  

blockbusters, but they use blockbuster, often blockbuster.

Sanjeev Loomba  27:04  

But they didn't progress with the changing values of the markets that they had chosen to work with. And it became about me, you know, I do film and film is what everyone needs, the will always read it in the world was changing. So this is the fundamental mistake, actually, in everything I'm saying Gabriel, it always comes back to the same same simple issue. obsess with not only the essential value of your cut, and I'll tell you what I mean by that essential value of your customers. But the business value, and the personal value. And if you think about it, essential value is the smallest business values bigger, and personal value is even bigger. So let's go back to the example I just made up of the of the cafe, not made up actually that there is a person who I'm coaching who's as a side business, starting a cafe, and we're thinking about all these things. The essential value is getting a coffee, or getting a coffee cafe latte with a caramel shot with this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, the way that that you guys, especially in America, I have amazed, I'm so impressed by ordering coffee, I just say give me I just say give me a double macchiato I'm done. Extra Extra hot. Now I started to say extra hot. So but that is the essential value the coffee. My business value, which is bigger than that is that I can get to my work on time. My personal value could be anything, it might be that I feel, I feel so respected, I feel that I can have a chat with the guys making the coffee in the morning or that by getting to work on time I can get my presentation done and I'll be seen much better by my boss that day. So it's that level of obsession of understanding your market and then and only then creating it innovative creative responses. Your joy to just mention something about innovations, which is linked to this. I don't know if us you know there are three eyes. There's innovation, invention, and inconvenience. Right in fact three ends in most of what we do are in our inventions, they're very good inventions. The Concorde was an excellent invention. Excellent invention. I don't call it an innovation. Why? If it wasn't innovation, we would have had Mach two and Mach three flying around today. It was 18 years ago. It wasn't just because the crash. It's because that this was an absolutely amazing piece of engine nearing supersonic, airliner get you to from London to New York and three hours instead of six and a half. Wow, man, you know, it's the wow factor was there it looked absolutely stunning. It was beautiful. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the product whatsoever. Why isn't why don't we have another one flying around today? Why? It's 18 years. And that's because there was no real value that it was serving in the marketplace, not at not a viable value that it was able to serve in the marketplace. You know, there were, there wasn't a strong enough market to carry 100. Passengers royally but uncomfortably, and cut the time between London and New York, bye, bye, bye three hours. It just was. That's why it was. So it was. So that's an invention, because it was about I host parcial and British Aerospace and Deutsche aerospace saying, Guys, let's do a supersonic airliner. And this is my message to all entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs, typically are geniuses, brilliant people who are passionate about what they do. And I'm saying there's a trap. Therein lies the trap, become passionate about what it does for anyone. And then if it's if it's impacting that value, fine, go ahead with it. If not, actually do something else doesn't matter how good you are at it, you know. So that is invention, innovations come from obsessively understanding the market. Now, when you start from the market, like I gave you the example of the coffee shop, or tons and tons of examples, that when you when you start from the market, you will find that you your creative juices will flow, your innovation will flow much, much more. Because you're actually solving someone's problem, then when you design the product. I'm not saying anything new Gabriel, I am not saying anything new. What I am saying and why I'm saying it is what is completely new about it is that in my humble experience, and I'm saying this with incredible modesty, gratitude for having had the good fortune of having 1000s of people in hundreds of organizations from small, small coffee shops to Johnson and Johnson, that I've had the good fortune to work with. That. What's new about what I'm saying is that everyone says the right thing, everyone has the right idea. But when it comes down to doing it, it's revert to type. We run back to focus on what we do. We start inventing, we start responding before understanding. And so I mean, and my methods and so on, I'm sorry, you know, it's it's, it's it's in here, it's 550 pages of my love poured into this thing, to give step by step calculations, we can get this take me 110 pages to actually define what is value in very practical terms and calculate it. So when you start from there. It's a cliche, but the world actually is your oyster. And that's what Steve Jobs did. He didn't Steve Jobs never made product.

Gabriel Flores  33:21  

Nope, correct. Same as Nike, Nike doesn't make a product. In fact, folks, what Sanjeev is actually holding up is a book, I'll have this book available for you on the newsletter as well. So just make sure that you have that. Now, you know, you mentioned Steve Jobs. You know, folks, I want to give you a great example that kind of encompasses this entire conversation, I think very, very well. And I know we've been using Apple pretty consistently, so I'm just gonna stay with this. Steve Jobs originally made the super computer, right when he made this super computer can do everything. But he made it before the time that it was, there was no value in making more. So he only made one write this before the Mac came out and all these other things. And then he eventually found out okay, what do people find a value? Okay? A great example is the iPod. When the iPod came out, there's a phenomenal picture of an iPod sitting there standing up with two headphones around it in the marketing campaign was very simple 1000 songs in your pocket. That's it. That's all it said didn't talk about the functionalities. It didn't talk about the aesthetics. It simply said, here's the value I have for you. This little thing can put 1000 songs in your pocket. That's it. That's all it did. Right. And that again goes back to that marketing and the branding piece of the creating value. Right. And also understanding the users Steve Jobs understood Hey, users were walking around with these either CDs right remember, they'll see you might be dating myself here but Walkmans as well, back? And we had Walkmans right, Steve Jobs understood that the end user truly valued music, and they valued their time of music. How can I make it easier and simpler for them to access those Music? What's even more

Sanjeev Loomba  35:01  

beautiful, beautifully put beautifully. The iPod, the iPad, the iMac the eye, this and the eye that these are not these will never products. They were perfect responses like you just put so eloquently on this Gabriel that they were just responses to value their his obsession was with value. It's hardly surprising. And he had the courage to kick the biggest volume market available to him. And you know, because it that was his thinking. And it's hardly surprising it became the first trillion the first $2 trillion company in the world and so on. But let me give you an entrepreneurial example. I was I was on the board of a non executive director of this, one of the biggest it's a big wine supplier here in the UK. And their major customers were the big supermarkets. So you have the Tescos and even the Costcos and so on Tesco, Sainsbury's, Costco and these kinds of giant supermarkets. And, and I said to them one day sitting in a board meeting and at we I was doing an executive, for the for the kind of team we were we were working on strategy and repositioning the strategy. And I said, guys, they were struggling, because they were the margins were very squeezed in retail margins are extremely squeezed. And I said, Guys, what would it take for a customer to move from a seven pound bottle? You know, what an $8 bottle these days, the exchange rate is pretty low to a to an $11 bottle from an $8 bottle to an $11 bottle. And they really scratching their heads and they're saying, You know what, not that much. Now, can you imagine moving from $8 to $11? What is it going to do to your margins? It's absolutely going to revolutionize your results. And if they're saying it won't take much than I said, What would it take? And what's the central problem here, there's a well the problem is that the customer, if they knew what was inside the bottle, then they would then they'd be happy to move. So they're only buying on price. So you know, if you if you got your your chumps coming for a football match, you look a little bit lower down the shelves. And if your in laws are coming in, you want to impress them, then then you look higher up the shelves. And that's how it's bought, because people don't know, to cut a long story short, we created a strategy on this one single comment, which have value, which was if they knew what was in the bottle, that was it, we took that simple thing. And we created a whole business called wine in tube. So now you can imagine that the beautiful pack like with beautiful with test tubes, I mean, not not like you get in chemistry labs, but but very nice ones, a pack of five that come through your letterbox because you subscribe to that. And he's got five wines in there. And you click on the link, and then someone is telling you, hey, try number one. Now can you feel these notes and can feel that the berries in there and this one will go with cheese beautifully and that one goes and and then you order a case or to have whichever one you like. So it completely revolutionized that business because from doing wine and struggling on margins, because a Costco just puts it on the shelf, that's it and you can only go on the label and price nothing else to because the vast majority to suddenly being able to engage with it and bring value. So now people are buying this for sports evenings and that one for for fancy dinners. And the business has gone crazy.

Gabriel Flores  38:52  

Yeah, it's very, very true. That's very true. And I think, you know, folks, I hope that you know, this conversation one thing it's truly bringing to you, no pun intended, but I hope it did bring a lot of value because it's brought a lot of value to me and it's kind of sparking that. I feel like now you know I'm constantly talking about value now I feel like I'm finally on the right train, you know, based on our conversation like you know what, I think I'm going down the right path now Sanjeev if folks at home that are listening and they want to connect with you, maybe they want you know, you mentioned you do some professional coaching, maybe they want to connect with you and get some mentorship. How can they connect with you? What is your website? How can they find you on the internet?

Sanjeev Loomba  39:28  

Oh, cool. All right. That's the thanks for asking. It's the website is value As simple as that value And the bottom of the front page, our contacts my my my PA my EA it's all there. All connect with me on on LinkedIn. Just look up Sanjeev Lumba value partnership you'll find me here.

Gabriel Flores  39:54  

And folks again, you know, shameless plug for the newsletter, you can subscribe to the shades mantra internship newsletter at the shades I will have Sanjeev information as well, he Sanjeev you mentioned you actually showed it briefly, can you give the audience at home since they're probably not be able to see what the book title is? And if they're interested in purchasing where they can find it?

Sanjeev Loomba  40:16  

Yeah, absolutely. It's, it's called the ninth gear. The ninth gear. The subtitle is value partnership, of course, but it's called the ninth gear. And it's it is it's, it's the philosophy of value. But it's much more than that we could set actually a manual for every startup for every entrepreneur, it will step by step, give you how to develop the strategy with this value, partnership in mind, how to calculate value, and then how to manage people how to manage relationships, how to sell your ideas, it's got, it's got all of this stuff. And also very, very important topic, Gabriel, in Section three is all about the mind. Because you can have all the technique or value of strategy and a business plan and all this kind of stuff. But if your mind is in fear, and it's and we talk about use, fear means fear, and all these kinds of things in a lot of depth over there. So yeah, but by all means, you're most welcome to go and look it up.

Gabriel Flores  41:18  

Perfect. And again,

Sanjeev Loomba  41:19  

it's on Amazon, and it's on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. And wherever you want to see your effect.

Gabriel Flores  41:24  

And I'll make sure again, this information is in fact on the newsletter. So again, folks, make sure you go ahead and subscribe at the shades of You can also follow us on the social sites, I'll make sure I have Sunday's information on Instagram linked in Facebook, and we'll probably do a little promo on the Twitter or the Tick Tock as well. So please follow me at the shades of E on that Sunday, if any last word you have for the listeners.

Sanjeev Loomba  41:49  

But it might be the only advice I would I would say is that as entrepreneurs, we all often make ourselves vulnerable, we are often in a zone of Will it happen, will it not happen? Will I be able to get my products out there will I not be able to get and that is demoralizing. And very often that in itself is the cause of less success books. Just be obsessively fascinated I mean, don't obsess with the end value understand the talk to your customers but calculated it's all in section one of the book by the by the way of how to do this you know so obsessed with them come out of the the you cut the expectations. And when you're delivering value when you're giving a gift you're never in fear fear. Always when you want something you are in fear. So when you want that sale and when you want it to happen. This depletes your your energy like we talked about the the cleaner and you'll be hugely successful. If there's any way that I can. I can help you in any way or your business. Then, as Gabriel said, I'm there for you, son G

Gabriel Flores  43:04  

Loomba. Thank you so much for your time value entrepreneurship again, value This information will be on the website as well as newsletter, Sanjeev thank you so much for taking your time I've found a lot of value in this conversation, no pun intended. I thought it was great. You had some phenomenal examples. I'm really excited to kind of maybe grab this book and kind of dive into it myself. So those folks listen at home again, please subscribe to the shades of E the podcasts on Apple or Spotify and all where you can find your podcast locations. You can also subscribe to the newsletter at the shades of Other than that, thank you and have a great night

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