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Sam Parra


Sam Parra



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2:24 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Hello, everyone and welcome to the Shades of Entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Flores. Today I'm here with Sam Parra from Parra's Wine. Sam, how are we doing?

2:49 - sam

All is well, Gabriel. Thank you so much for having me.

2:52 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I'm your podcast. Yo, thank you for recently announced you are also one of wine's most inspiring people of 2024. First and foremost, congratulations. How does that feel to be? Again, folks, this just happened this week. does it feel to be recognized as being one of there's hundreds of nominations? How does it feel to be one of 10 individuals that was actually received this honor?

3:26 - sam

No, it's truly an honor. I feel the industry is definitely shifting to be more inclusive. But also it has to do a lot with the media writers where somebody truly is inspired of an individual story. And my story is definitely about the underdog, an individual not coming from multi-generational wealth, where you actually have to do the old-fashioned way of possibly get a second job and they've for such an expensive industry that I'm in of course wine. And I mean, imagine the odds out there Gabriel, there are just shy of 10,000 wine brands across the US. And yet, only about 1%, maybe even just shy of 1%, the sad story is that they are Latino owned and imagine to be highlighted of one of 10 nationwide of brands where I definitely know some that exceed the production that I do here, I make in Oregon. And I definitely know many companies in California that exceed my production and that have been in the business for a long time. So it's a great honor.

4:56 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So let's take a step back first. Let's Definitely want to start talking about the Civil Wars, but first let's introduce the audience. Who is Sam Barra? What is Barra once?

5:07 - sam

No, thank you again. So the full name is Juan Samwarpara, born and raised in a very small town, but right in the heart of a really busy wine country of the beautiful Napa Valley. My grandparents on both sides of the family, they seek the opportunity during the Bracetto program. Which allowed them work visas, which was also very integrated back then with citizenship program. And it started with Eisenhower, and this continued all the way through the late 50s. And so my grandparents worked for decades and vineyard work. And then for the next generation, I only had a few uncles working on the vineyard side. But most of My aunts and uncles shifted to work at wineries and I do have two uncles that own their own wine brand. They're in the same situation as for myself purchasing grapes and operating in a cooperative, but they have a chance to do a lot more pop-ups right in downtown Napa. And then it comes down to my generation, the grandchildren, nietos and nietas. Some are involved in the wine industry and I am the only one with a brand and full-time winemaking and on my maternal side of the family. so, yeah, being born and raised and right in the heart of wine country, I feel one is the product of their own environment where you are surrounded by the industry, you breathe it, you leave it, and even a deeper connection for myself. in northern Portugal, northwest Spain and parts of Chile, Para means vine. And I already mentioned how I have no lineage to those countries, Para Huenco in general, there's three ridges on the roots of my logo. And that's the story telling of my branding of the three generations going now in the wine industry.

7:26 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love it. I love it. so folks, a quick little history lesson real quick. One thing you mentioned was the blast out of program, right? That was back in August of 1943. So what that program was folks, that was actually an agreement between the United States and the Mexico government that permitted Mexican citizens to take temporary agricultural work in the United States. Now, as Sam was mentioning, that also then turned into citizenship for some and many, really many. And so, you know, when you hear about, you know, hey, go back to your country. Well, I mean, a lot of these individuals were actually asked to come here to help support that agricultural growth of this country. So again, without a lot of these individuals, none of this would be possible. So I just wanted to take a moment pay homage to those individuals because like Sam mentioned, only 1% of the Latinos own wineries yet one in your experience, you know, you live in a Napa Valley. What would you say is the number of Latino workers working for these wineries?

8:31 - sam

Near or just passing 90%.

8:36 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, it's a huge, huge disparity between the ownership and the workers. Now, why why why? Like you mentioned, Barra's divine. You mentioned your your your your your your families into it. But you also mentioned it was expensive. an it's not an easy. It's not an easy business. So why do it?

8:56 - sam

Off for for myself. It's something that against surrounded my life nonstop where I did have an interest out of high school, actually attended Santa Rosa College for two years, where I had experience. I was taking administration of justice actually Gabriel. I was actually interested in law enforcement or social work. But I was at the time of my age. I was enjoying the city of Santa Rosa more than Santa Rosa College. And more with personal financial decisions. You can imagine in one's age, I had to move back home with my mom. And, and I did not attend school for an entire year to pay off my debt from basically living with friends out of high school and moving to Santa Rosa. I had a long time friend come back. from school she was attending Santa Barbara and her family having so own a winery and I was just shy of being 21 and she did mention that their special events department is growing if I would like to see what the job is about and it can lead to other opportunities and that winery also happens to have roots out here in McMinnville and that's when I first got to visit out here in 1999 and from there at 21 Why wine because from since I was 21 I'm 46 now I have been mainly in the wine industry I Have I've done my research in Napa. I've always dreamed about having a brand the cost is Very very expensive and many parts of California especially small counties of Napa Valley but Visiting over time out here in Oregon, it was really reminiscent to me of Mendocino County. Mendocino County is north of Sonoma County. It's a very spread out area. Again, this area ranging from Salem to the driveout to MacMendell was very reminiscent to me back of parts of Northern California along the coast. It was more of the choice of an adult for my wife and myself to pursue our next step in life. And we wanted to be homeowners. And we had a face reality where it was just not going to happen. Or we were going to be just working our tail off in California to scrape up for a mortgage. And we have been very blessed making a move out here to Oregon. And my wine career continued. And we see our gains of our hard work and for myself having a daytime job since 2019, but also began to hand labor working an additional day during my days off with my daytime employer, that's the income along with some tip money that I set aside in a specific bank account and a business account, I'm sorry. And by, you know, I was ready to purchase three tons and now every every year, as you see the growth by being a self-funded company, that's the beauty part of the industry, but now comes the part of seeking programs, grants, because now it's time where it's definitely the growing pains, Gabriel, like any other company where you just come to realize that again, lacking the history of multi-generational wealth. you have to seek other opportunities, you have to seek assistance, and you just have to keep moving forward Gabriel.

13:08 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yes, that's a very good point, you know, at the end of the day, the business would sell if they didn't run out of money. Right, because everybody, everybody will be successful if they never ran out of money. That's kind of the end goal. Now, one of the things you kind of mentioned before, we'll get into the grants and things of that nature here momentarily. But I want to kind of take a step back. And, you know, one of the things you mentioned, you bought, you bought your three tons of grapes, right? And that's kind of started. so I think this is a really important thing to note. You don't own a field, but you own a winery.

13:38 - sam

I actually did not even own a winery. I buy grapes. lease space at a winery known as a cooperative. And let me dive into how they operate.

13:50 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)


13:52 - sam

They own the heavy equipment, such as that the stemmer, such as a press machine, such as the solar. 14 table, we, the clients leasing space only have to own our storage vessels. We have to own our own barrels, our own wine racks, our own stainless steel drums, our smaller tanks, most of them that I prefer are from an Italian company, Maricizio. And they hold about just an average just shy of a ton. One ton of grapes will average about 52 cases of really good wine. And so again, I, I'm still in that micro scale. The next step for my company would be to find a commercial space to actually make it a bonded facility so I can focus possibly on just whites and rosés at a facility and still focus on reds at a place where still I may not be able to afford The heavy expensive equipment that I need for winemaking, but on whites and rosés, I already know at winerates that I can press my grapes, I can move my juice to my own cooperative and ferment just whites and rosés on site. Then I can move the wine to McManville and get it bottled and bring it back to the co-op because it's a bonded facility. So it just goes into so many factors, as far as on a federal level, we are selling alcohol here. So it's a very heavy, heavy regulated industry.

15:41 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

You know, that's a great point. And folks, I want to kind of take a moment to really kind of call out what Sam is kind of talking about here. One, he's talking about the co-op locations and co-hacking facilities. And the reason why this is so important is because, you know, as you're hearing from Sam, this allows be to as an individual entrepreneur to scale a business with their own funding by themselves without having to take on capital funding, without having to give up their actual brand, right? And the way they're able to do it is because these co-op and co-opacking facilities exist, right? And what you see, you know, when you look throughout the state of Oregon, and this is kind of my call to action for 2024, anybody listening, this is my call to action in 2024, what we need to do is we need to make Oregon the premier location for food and beverage. We're the fruit belt. We have some of the best wineries. We have some of the best beer. have some of the best culinary artists here in our state. What we need to do is we need to amplify that. How can we amplify that? look across the news and you're going to see brewery after brewery closing their doors. That's a lot of skilled labor that is available for a lot of people. Now, what are these co-packing facilities look like? do these co-ops things do, right? So these co-ops, as Sam is mentioning, they have all of the equipment for you. So they have. Think of those 30, 40, $50,000 capital expenses that you as an entrepreneur do not have to take on right away. You basically can go and rent out these locations and you can scale your business. In fact, she cured me to what she did during the pandemic. She actually used a strip club. She went and asked, Hey, you guys, you guys, the only ones still open. I need a kitchen. Can I use your kitchen during this time? Sure. all means, I'm going back the next slide. I'm going going back next next slide. slide. going slide. to go sale location, right? So we're really trying to do is trying to create this ecosystem of growth within the food and beverage industry to kind of help support it and really help build organ economy. Because at the end of the day, when you come up to the Portland location, you come to the sale location, you go down to all these very distant locations, like when I go to Coos Bay, right, I go to Medford, I love eating that restaurant. Oh, down that location. I love going down to Ashland at those restaurants. And there's a lot of great restaurants here in Oregon. So how do we help amplify it? There's a lot of great entrepreneurs that are trying to build their ideas, build their brand. This is a way to do it, right? This is a small diving board. Sorry, so I'm gonna get off my soapbox and start talking about that. Now one of the things you also mentioned, Sam is actually funding, you know, as you're a self-funding, so you're kind of bootstrapping it yourself. And then you talked about the next iteration, going after grants, going after other funding. What does that look like?

18:58 - sam

For here. here in Oregon, as far as recent opportunities, yourself being part of Latinos founders. it was definitely an honor to be at Pitch Latino, but also many other organizations out through Salem, Band, and Portland. I feel Oregon is very pro-business. I feel as for myself growing up in the Bay Area, know, closed mouths did not get fed. You definitely have to learn that from the beginning. It's a way to again continue to move forward and seek out assistance. Not to say that other states do not have the options, maybe of Oregon, because I have not really been able been a resident in many different states. But as far as the support system that I've found here in Oregon has been amazing. And so beyond Pitch Latino, through Latino founders, I have been in touch with other programs. And it's just more of a matter of staying in touch with their business advisors. And I also applied for one during Hispanic Heritage Month, which is actually part of an international company. And they are in the very last steps of announcing winners. So I feel that I should not disclaim many details, maybe not to jinx my grant in case if I'm going to receive one. But they're coming near the final steps here of making announcements. And again, for the one in this trade. They are definitely one of the larger companies on a global level, Gabriel, that during Hispanic heritage month have set aside 84,000 for grants, but they didn't announce how many recipients were going to win that.

21:26 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

And I feel like you're just kind of going down this trend of continuing to build awareness and presence of your brand. You're getting awards, you're getting recognition. How do you do it? How do you build a line brand?

21:44 - sam

The very first step, I feel that you definitely have to be very creative on the actual branding. And the very first step for me was that support system I had at the Chemeketa Small Business Development Center in Salem through Celia Nunez. I was referred to Willamette University or the law school. They trademarked my logo Gabriel. I only had to pay the actual government fees when you submit forms. It was only about roughly $350 but all the time invested the students put into my trademark then the work is overseen by the instructors which are actual lawyers. The amount of hours they spent I was told by professionals would have been equivalent to around $8,000 to what just cost me $350. And so that's the very first step for myself being in a very competitive industry. And I mean even I don't even mean competitive on the on the quality of the wine. I mean competitive on the market side because sometimes You're out in the larger chains and let's face it. really gravitates one from not knowing the history of a wine brand Is their logo is their label? And they just say hey, let's give this one a try this bottle this label looks pretty pretty sharp or you know very unique and But from there I'm gonna mention something something to you which it has to do a lot with Networking it has to do a lot with maintaining relationships and staying in touch with relationships and certain professionals I'll give you an example of Two visitors that I had when I was senior wine educator at a winery napkin the valley, okay? I had in one case, I had a blogger. And this young woman was just getting started, okay? She was just getting started and blogging. And I'm talking about not even tech talk existing. I believe Instagram was around then. But she she came at the timing where there was a very large group of chains of stores of Texas, okay? Wine buyers of a chain called specs through Texas. Very, very large company in different cities. After the tour and tasting was over, she came up to me and said, this is the best tour I have today. And I was I was mixed with other groups and other wineries. And I'm going to tell you this right now, the other tour guides or wine educators paid more attention to actual the trade visitors because they actually they actually focus on somebody that had more wine knowledge versus somebody like me starting out as a blogger. And that happened twice during that job with these two individual young women Gabriel, one of them is a big shot for wine enthusiasts now and the other one is a big shot for Fours magazine. And guess who they kept in mind over time. And from there, their articles that they wrote about me was just a snowball effect because of course they're in touch with other writers. and that writer, you know, raids the story and they're like, we want to meet this person. And there's my friend say, let me connect to you. He needs help. He's just starting out. They know my situation. They know my story. And from there, it was just a snowball effect that gave real.

26:22 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, and you know, I think you made two really excellent points right there. The first one is really talking about the students. Folks, I think that's one thing entrepreneurs should really look at. If you have a business school in your community, reach out to that business school. There's a lot of folks that are going through the graduate program that want experience in the business level that are willing to help you with the work that you're doing. As Sam mentioned, especially with the logo and the trademarking thing, leverage that opportunity because it's an educational opportunity for the students as well. So leverage that. That's one, which I thought was really, really kind of unique because, um, you know, I don't think many people really think to do that. And then two, the networking piece, folks, I can't, you know, I think throughout, this is going almost here on year three here on this podcast now. Networking continues to be the most important aspect of a business and the way to grow your business, the way you brand yourself, um, to your point, you know, your point being able to, uh, still have these contacts from individuals that have now continued to climb the corporate ladder. And that's another thing too. That's very important when you're climbing this corporate ladder, very important to reach down and help those folks up, you know, that are kind of helping you up, uh, stepping on someone. Because if you step on someone to climb, get your way up the corporate ladder, when those individuals make it to a different location, like Forbes, like wine enthusiasts, they're not going to call you because you stepped on them to get to your app. But if you continue to climb and you reach down and you help them up to get to where they're going. when they get up to the top, guess who they're gonna reach out to. So, continuously think about that when you're also networking. What's the value that you are bringing? Don't just continue constantly asking for something, right? point are you gonna be able to reach down to help them up as well? So that's really important. Now, one, you mentioned you all these things going. In fact, folks, just so you know, this is gonna be airing on June, what is it? That June 17th, so Wednesday, June 17th, and you actually have a pop-up the day or the same week of this airing. So can you tell us about the pop-up event that you'll be having here in the next couple of weeks?

28:42 - sam

Is that, oh boy, Gabriel, let me.

28:45 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I'll you off guard, man.

28:47 - sam

I know Gabriel.

28:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I'm here in our guest today. So yeah, I believe you're having a pop-up.

28:53 - sam

believe it's on the 18th. Yes, on the 13th.

28:56 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)


28:56 - sam

So when you said 17, you've been maybe nervous.

29:00 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)


29:01 - sam

Another thing to announce on the 17th is my very first red can wine is getting canned. My very first red wine is getting canned on the 17th. And yes, on the 18th, I'm going to be at Hotel Zags in Portland. And this is the very important thing that you had mentioned for my pop-ups. I am very proactive on announcing on Facebook, on Instagram, updating my pop-up calendar on my website. I do not have a tasting room right now, everybody. So the way to support my company, come see me in action, come ask questions in person. I am there personally pouring my own wines and happily accepting your payments for my product. So yes, I will be in Portland next week, but I'm very excited. I'm branching into the can category and not only that being the second domestic Latino own brand and the entire in the US to be in this category which the industry keeps shifting to with Gen Z and millennials consuming less maybe due to of course big loans that they're paying off and many embracing sobriety I applaud them it's definitely one's personal choice and you have seen the growth of mocktails and Gabriel in Portland and that is that is one's personal choice right we we are in this great nation of the of freedom that we have but the beer liquor and wine industry is very nervous and for myself I just had to get the next step going on on this industry that is now quickly changing Gabriel. And the addition to CanWines last year was a true blessing to my company. Having something on a more budget-friendly option, and even for myself, when I sell wholesale, being able to now have accounts such as pub houses, breweries, daquerias, or also the common spaces, the areas where they have the food trucks, for example, one place in Salem is the yard. The yard is a very large gathering place to go catch some live music. My white blend, sparkling white wine, the CanWine did so well there. And of course they did so well in Corvallis and Eugene, of course, big college cities. So I feel For myself as a winemaker, I make my passion wines, but I need to shift also of what makes sense for a business Gabriel. I'm definitely the small producer, but I have the mentality of a large operating winery, my friend, where if there's consumers out there buying the wine, I am making it. You can see the lineup of bottles behind me. I cover everything from dessert wine, aka port, a white dessert wine, forced carbonation, aka a sparkling wine. I do not do traditional chimp and noise method. That is too long of a time of an investment, but on whites I make light aromatic whites. I've made heavier style of a chardonnay on red wine, anything going from light all the way to a full-body cabernet front. And now of course coming out with my first red can wine and next is a craft sangria.

33:07 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love it.

33:08 - sam

Some people want to call it Sam Gria.

33:11 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Oh, I like it. See that play on words? That's how you build the brand, ladies and gentlemen. Find something that's quirky and the people actually catch onto it. Now, few things you mentioned here is one, first and foremost, your pop up event that's coming. So this is a great opportunity to plug the shades of entrepreneurship newsletter. You can subscribe by visiting the shades of Please make sure to visit the shades and subscribe to the newsletter to get this information about the pop up coming up. Now also, two things you kind of, you organically kind of talked about. One, diversification and vertical integration. So let's talk about first diversification. What I mean by that, folks? Diversification. when Sam's saying that, hey, he doesn't have a tasting room. He's going to do a tasting room at a hotel. The hotel is now diversifying their offerings, right? They are a hotel. Tell now they have wine tasting. He also says he sells it at Thakariya. Well Thakariya is somewhere you get food. Well now you can also be a wine tasting location. That is diversification right. You're diversifying your offerings to the consumer to attract them to attract more consumers but that's one. Now Sam also was talking about going into the can industry. That is vertical integration right. You're integrating your you're still in the wine industry. Now you're just vertically integrating into the can industry right. And eventually he wants to vertically integrate into owning his own distribution center right and continuing to grow right. And that's the difference between vertical integration and diversification. Now diversification is not diversity okay. That doesn't mean higher diverse people. Diversification is truly offering different different products or offerings that entices a consumer to come back to you. So now Sam you mentioned you mentioned the you're kind of going to the can. In fact if folks another thing I'm going to go and shout out the YouTube channel. is a great opportunity to plug the YouTube channel. Well, Sam is actually showing us one of his bottles of wine, the bottle of wines right here. Beautiful label. In fact, you can see the P has the roots for that symbolizing that barra. And again, these are made here locally in the Marion County here in the Pacific Northwest. I'd like to call it a fruit belt, right? So again, YouTube, you can find this at YouTube, the Shades of Entrepreneurship on YouTube. Look for the Shades of E. Find these videos. These full interviews will be on YouTube. They usually come out 30 days after they air. So if you want to actually see them the day they air, you can please visit Patreon. Patreon's a great way for you to support me as the podcast host and the podcast for as little as $5 a month. You'll get access to the videos, you'll get discounts, you'll get access to the actual book that I created as well. And as well as some other little perks. So I know enough about that, but back to Sam and Ann. And then, I bought a wine. Now, Sam, you mentioned the cans. What is the future for a bottle of wine look like?

36:07 - sam

The future for myself, I definitely want to scale back a little bit on glass and be more eco-friendly, packaging. to explain with this, again, this can be offered for the price point. This is a 250 ml, two full glasses of delicious sparkling white wine that will cut right through any hot salsa, ereta carilla, or possibly try to go to the cuisine I really enjoy is Thai and Vietnamese food, where you tell them, hey, this actually works, by the way. Look at the whole hotel pricing. Look at the price when you have your markup that is still a budget-friendly option for somebody to consume a delicious wine with a savory delicious meal. This again has had success at breweries and tap rooms because to a couple or a group of friends might go enjoy some good beers but there will always be the one person in the group that might be even just sensitive to hops, where they're not being a snob, not mention that I am a small company that thinks big like a large company. I've just seen over time many successful California brands grow, where for myself again, I can be now in a category with this of a budget friendly option of a wine and more eco-friendly packaging and then to explain the next price tier or my plan. This is a beautiful label of entoro y el matador. Anything you see in the whites will eventually be see-through, just clear. So the shield and the ribbon is going to pop out a lot more clean and marketing. And this is what I plan to expand to go out and distribution at a state for future goals. And then of course you have the branded P logo. This will eventually be when I have a tasting room and I'm doing more elevated seated seated food and wine pairings. The papra wine coe will always, like right now, has a big, big following where I even make some wines that are such made in such small batch Gabriel. We're only the true believers, the folks and the bass clients, hellless, Gabrielle, get their hands on the these very limited production wines.

39:02 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Got to get myself on the list, folks. I got to get myself on the list.

39:06 - sam

Yeah. And but also not to mention from my future goals, how this will be more the limited production. But the P logo, you can find this more at final wine shops and restaurants in Portland, a big shout out to Republika. As you know, the power team that they are. Oh, yeah. And and all their other locations, my friend. They they place big orders of para wine co where they save me the time and they they spread the delicious delicious wines to the four locations. But that's one place where you can keep an eye out for the beautiful P logo branding. That is the type of caliber of the market where these wines end up at the P logo. And again, you have this where you can find that more at your. corner liquor stores at your that your mom and pop grocery stores. And then of course, again, hopefully being out more visible as I definitely plan to sell as fast as possible as I can. With with a wine broker, I began to work in Portland as well to get those delicious cans out spread out to you name it. Yeah, many again.

40:28 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So folks, audio just so just so you guys are aware. what one is kind of shown is three different labels. The one label is is kind of a more of a, which is like a shield like you'd see like a more European style badge, right? Kind of like a family's shield. The other one is the true P logo, right? The bottle wines that you've seen.

40:47 - sam

go down your line.

40:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yep. And those are the ones you're going to see in the restaurants, right? And so you're going to have the variations you're going to see the kind of the symbol the crest will call the crest about a crest. You'll see those at the stores. You can see a pot of wines in the restaurants. And then the third option that folks, again, you're not watching on YouTube, if you're just listening to audio, was the canned version of the wine. So again, a canned is very similar to the size of a white claw, I'd say, a size can. be mindful, folks, again, just because it's the same size doesn't mean it's the same alcohol content. Wine is a little bit stronger than beer. So just be mindful of that. Sam was saying. One of those cans is actually two servings of wine. it's actually, if you think about it, a two, two pores of wine and one of those glasses, one those cans. Now, Sam, one of the things you're kind of going into and I would love for you to really kind of do in this piece little bit. One, where can folks find you? Where can they get some more pot of wine and where can they buy it locally?

41:50 - sam

The best thing one can do for my company, I have it on Instagram, on Facebook, call me, DM or direct message on Facebook, I'm out often making personal deliveries. Another another way through the website. You are actually purchasing the wines through a company that manages my e-commerce sales. They're actually based in Cornelius. And I wanted to let you know when you buy wines online, they actually offer free deliveries in Washington County. And they charge a small fee for Monoma and Quackamas. And then I take lead for any internet sale. I deliver through Yamhill, Marion, and I will even go as far south as Lynn and Benson County because I'm out maintaining my accounts for doing pop-ups, which have And the third way is on my website, there on the menu, you can actually find my lines in alphabetical orders and studies. And not only that, when you go into the studies, the accounts are in alphabetical order as well. One looking to support a small business owner, or even to focus more like myself to support a Latino business owner, this is just everything I'm pointed out is very important in general. The main thing is reach out to the owner directly. Like yes, you can find you can find my lines to the website at what stores are at. If you feel that the timing will not be coordinating so well for me to make a delivery, yes go buy it off the shelf. That will definitely help my company. If you live in Washington County and as I mentioned, the internet company that's taking leave on partnership that we have for e-commerce sales. They deliver in Washington County and they're out often in Portland. But again, the very first thing that I pointed out, everybody, don't be shy whether you're comfortable texting or picking up the call me, email me, and again, via social media. have this right next to me, you know, almost 24-7. have be I can not, that is the main thing for any small company. Buy from us directly, everybody.

44:40 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Love it. Love it. fact, I'm looking at the product right now because my wine fridge is getting a little empty. So I'm going to put it in order here later on. Sam, thank you so much for joining us today on the show.

44:52 - sam

I really do appreciate your time. Is there anything else you'd like to say before we leave? I just want to thank you again for your time. and Let's get ready to yes, I got some good red wine some para wine co red wine. Um, there might be snow and certain parts of Oregon And hopefully my temporary and Cabernet frunk will warm you up a little bit.

45:14 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

There you go. There you go again folks But I want that's P a R R Wine co and then you can also again for all this all the shades of entrepreneurship A newsletter you'll find this information at the shades of You can also self support me and the podcast but become a patron member for five dollars a month by visiting the shades of e on Patreon. Thank you again and have a great night

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