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Lu-El Fantroy


Lu-El Fantroy



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Gabriel Flores  0:00  

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the shades of entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Gabriel Flores. Today I have an interesting entrepreneur because this individual really does a lot of work on their phone. But this is not all they do. They do quite a bit. Lou, well, how are you doing?

Unknown Speaker  0:17  

I'm doing good. Thank you for having me on here, first of all, and that and it's I think is a privilege and honor to be on this podcast and be on your platform, because especially what you're doing helping out the community. You're given a free game. Yeah, I listened to a couple of episodes even today. And I was like, wrote a couple things down. I was like, Oh, I didn't know. Different taxes and tax brackets. But anyway, yeah. Thank you for Yeah, for having me on this podcast. But I'm doing good. I'm doing good.

Gabriel Flores  0:43  

And I'm excited for this one because you're creative man. You got creative, creative mind. But first, before we get in all that, let's introduce the world to Louisville, who was Louisville.

Unknown Speaker  0:54  

Well is man I'm a human being. I'm a complex human being. But I'm I'm a multi hyphenated ADHD. trauma survivor, creative entrepreneur who's a father of five beautiful boys, five children. Five boys Young is the oldest to the youngest. It's on and cracking they got you Rome. Yeah. And I've been a proud husband as well to my wife, Becca for 12 years but to be 13 May 2

Gabriel Flores  1:26  

Nice. In fact, today is my anniversary. Your four year formations.

Unknown Speaker  1:31  

Congratulations. I saw it on Instagram. Yeah, congratulate appreciate it. So that's what I am. I'm that's why I'm a creative through and through and I feel like I'm a human advocate. I am a human advocate. And it's because of my background because of where I come from. Anything I do, whether it be business or creative work, I believe in you know helping out humans that's why it's called help humans dot cares the website because I bring that care attitude and every environment into rehumanize business rehumanize people to rehumanize philosophies and conversations like the conversation we have a now so I'm a human advocate. And in that's why it's called help humans. Yeah, let's,

Gabriel Flores  2:12  

uh, let's talk about that. What what in your definition, what is a human advocate?

Unknown Speaker  2:19  

A human advocate, by definition is a person who thinks who has the consciousness of humanity before labels. Humanity before function, just off the bat, human perspective, beautiful, healthy perspective on humans. And in that leads to other actions, right at least to other other ideas that are beneficial to the human, not at the expense of the human or success at the expense of the human. And that's how I wanted to build my brand by human advocate, if somebody is not somebody who just want to just put typical, you know, protests on the street and advocate for human rights, but it's also it's how you conduct your day to day with one another and how you conduct how you build your business. How you build your brand. And, and who is it for? Are you serving humanity? Are you serving yourself and type of deal?

Gabriel Flores  3:09  

Yeah, yeah. So let's let's talk about the company. It's help humans dot care. You mentioned what what is it? What does it do? And how did you create the concept

Unknown Speaker  3:19  

help you in this is a digital creative studio, black owned, family grown, digital creative studio. The reason why I say family grown is because I try to make it a family thing. We offer creative services to personal brands, companies and organizations, we, you know, we help brands tell their story. At the same time, we leaning in more to the educational realm of educating people, empowering people to be their platform to use their iPhone, you know, to use what they have in a hand and work like my dad always say, work with the flower you have, and begin to not only provide creative services, but create content for in house and also for others, into educate people on how to create content for themselves to use their voice, build a brand, and be their platform.

Gabriel Flores  4:05  

So how did how did you get here? Did you get some education in this area? Or do you just kind of grassroot

Unknown Speaker  4:11  

grassroots, my education is it's far as it goes as high school. I'm the youngest out of five siblings, and, and my parents, you know, and I got two parents in a home the whole long story. I'm the youngest of five, and I just kind of always had the like, you know, grab some attention, you know, like ello I'm always the one making noise. I'm the one that is trying to get attention and, and all that type of stuff. So I think that part of me and part of my personality made me like a pioneer and a visionary, sort of like and so help humans. It's been through many forms. The name was a creative studio, but it wasn't. It was established in 2015. But I've been on the creative I've been on this journey and now for the first time He has clarity but help him and started off with just me thinking, Okay, I'm a creative, I love fashion. I love design. I'm a videographer, I'm a multitasker, hyphenated creatives. And I believe that you can use creativity to serve humanity. So I'm gonna use my creativity, you know, to serve humanity, I'm gonna create clothes, I'm gonna create videos, I'm gonna create content, and monetize that content. And when I monetize that content, I'm gonna donate a specific percentage to a local cause. So that's how the concept of help humans came. It came as a corporation, LLC, but run like a nonprofit organization, because I said, you know, what? My business model was like, Why do I have to be successful at the expense of humans, but why not my successes benefit humans. So I said, Okay, if the more I climb up, the more I'm gonna give back. So and it keeps me balanced on. So that's how I started off but it shifted to many things. And now we have full out digital creative studio with help humans LLC is the umbrella that supports brands that I create, and I'm ADHD. So it's hard for me to do one thing. And so it allows me to branch out into create a clothing, clothing design clothing brand called rehumanize. And be a platform, which is a magazine blog helps people use their devices and tools to you know, build up their brand. Nice.

Gabriel Flores  6:25  

Now what what kind of companies do you give back to you mentioned, you know, some of the proceeds that you earn, you actually get back to some of these community? What are some what are some of those companies? And why is it so important for you to give back to the community?

Unknown Speaker  6:39  

Yeah, the company that I did, it was not local. The first campaign I did it was helping me shirt. It was right, Justin, right, it was 2020, as called right and just campaign. And what I did is create these shirts to create revenue to give 100% of the proceeds to eject II, J. I, I forgot the name of I forgot it right now drawing a blank. But um, yeah, I'm drawing a blank right now. But it's helping combat the injustice of incarceration. That's a good place. So we did that. And now that was the phase in 2020. But as a company, we evolved. And now we've tried to find we actually in talks of a nonprofit organization, oh, nice to collaborate in that area to get back to community. And I think it's important because like I said, I really, when I say help humans, I really mean that, like, I want to help brands, I want to help people I want to help, you know, yeah, help humans, in many ways I can in it, it's important to get back to the community. That's what drives me. Like I said, In the beginning, I said, I'm a trauma survivor. I know how it feels, you know, I know how it feels to not have I know how it feels to be overlooked and how it feels to go through difficult situation. So that created empathy for me to like, touch humanity. So I want to use my gifts and my talents, my revenue, to give back to community to make a difference. That's what I tell my kids, you know, that's what I that's what I live out.

Gabriel Flores  8:10  

Yeah. Now, you mentioned you kind of started the business in 2012. Right? Was, was it your first 15? Or 2015? Sorry, 2015. Now, did you Was this your first business in 2015? Or did you do something before that?

Unknown Speaker  8:24  

See, this, this was no, this is not my first business. But um, it's pretty. It's hard to explain because it's alright. Let me let me go back. Take it back. Let's take it back. Listen, all I got is a high school education. That's it. All right.

Gabriel Flores  8:39  

That's, that's a lot.

Unknown Speaker  8:43  

That is an entrepreneur. Right? And, I mean, me and my older brother, like, that's next to me. We have like 18 months apart, not always, you know, we, we were young, and it was my idea at eight. And he was 10, or, you know, 10, to, you know, sell flowers to neighbors for some money, but sell their own flowers to back home. They didn't know we picked it out of the yard. So that was my idea. So it was my idea to go to the Nike store and act like poor kids in hand and say, hey, you know, we lived in Portland. And it was right across the street from the Nike store and was like, Hey, can we borrow some money and we're gonna take that money, flip it and try to do some others. Other stuff, like get more flowers or something like that my dad caught us said not need to be, you know, begging for money. I'm sorry, none of my kids is doing that. So he took the money we got and bought, you know, some pop cans and some soda cans and we begin to sell soda. All that to say is that um, I just the ADHD is kicking in. I just lost my thought just right now.

Gabriel Flores  9:49  

So you guys are just kind of you've been kind of grinding since the youth kind of been on the streets with your brother just selling you know, doing little side. hustles

Unknown Speaker  9:56  

Yeah, that's a young age. That's there to get rid of Question. So yeah, at a young age, that's that's what was taking place, which showed a little bit of entrepreneurship. And again, in recognizing schools older, that being said, school was not for me, it didn't work for me. And, um, and it was tough. I never fit in the everyday work nine to five, even though I did I mean, I have five kids, I had like, probably like 20 different jobs before I really established my company. And in every company, I've been into every place I worked for, they always say, you don't really belong here, you need to do your own thing all the time. And I'm talking about simple like, you know, rather be working at Panera Bread or driving a truck or whatever it might be. But I always did stuff on the side. But in 2005, we establish a business me and my brother and I was 2122 and establish a business is called level seven, we as a ministry, we as Christian artists, and was going to sell shirts, do music and go on tour. And yeah, then we, we, we were, we were excited. We're pumped up, I had the vision, I trade the logo on Microsoft Paint, we went into the swap meet and we looked at store prices for love the shirt, blank shirts, and we priced it out, drove around and priced out the shirts and say, okay, we can get it, we can bump up the price 50% Right here, if we shop at this store, and we printed shirts, gave our CDs and all that type of stuff. But we was invited to perform. And then we performed we ended up getting a check later in the mail and check. We can cash it because they wrote it under the name level seven and reach heaven. And we didn't register our business. No,

Gabriel Flores  11:37  


Unknown Speaker  11:39  

All that to say is that we kept that check for $200. Framed innocent and just as a reminder, to always be prepared. Yeah, in business. And we learned a lot of lessons. So no, it's not my first business trying to start a business. But this is the first business that in 2015 that I consistently stayed with. And actually now I'm working full time from freelancer to now entrepreneur. So

Gabriel Flores  12:06  

I love it. That's a That's a great story. In fact, you know, one of the things you're mentioning, you know, you and your brother were sitting in front of of Nike, you know, getting some money and then you eventually took that money to start your certain sale so McCann's. Now kind of sticking with the same concept. How did you finance this venture? Did you do some grassroots? Did you venture capital angel investments? How did you decide to finance this new business?

Unknown Speaker  12:27  

Um, yeah, no finances, I'll just, it was the hobby. You know, I didn't realize I was an entrepreneur, I didn't realize that until the age of 30. Be honest with you. I was in ministry, and I was pursuing ministry roles as a pastor and clergy work for 14 years. And in that I battled with ministry or it for entrepreneurship. And it was hard because I thought it was a moral thing. I was like, Okay, God wants me to do this. But I want to do this, who am I to listen to? And, and it wasn't until I started listening to myself, be honest with you until success started to happen. Because I think it was all in my head, you know. So

Gabriel Flores  13:08  

how difficult was that to pivot from, you know, go into studying for several years to be a minister to just say, you know, what, I'm gonna be an entrepreneur.

Unknown Speaker  13:17  

It was very difficult, because I always had the itch to be entrepreneurs is how I'm wired. But when I was in ministry, I'm like, when I say trauma survivor, I don't want to get deep into it. But I'm a religious trauma survivor. So when I was in ministry, it was it was tough. People saw the talent, they saw my gift, my ability, but they didn't, they wanted to use it for the ministry. And they didn't, I was a young, vulnerable kid that didn't know, my capabilities that Hey, hold on, this can provide for my future family, this can you know, this is actually a business. I didn't come from a family of, you know, educated, you know, people, but my dad did have his painting company. And that's what sparked my idea. But yeah, it was hard to navigate from that religious mindset to now entrepreneurship. And I found myself being hired as a media director doing all the things I do now as a creative in these ministry roles, also as the teaching as a speaking pastor and everything like that. And I find myself being hired for all those things, but not using it for me, you know, for me and my family as an independent person. And so it was, it was very difficult. So I stripped away from that. And began to pursue my family and I pursue, like, you know, our dreams and our vision. And it's been great.

Gabriel Flores  14:35  

Nice. So you kind of, was it a pretty gradual transition from ministry to being you know, full time entrepreneur or did you kind of get some get some clients under your belt before you made that full time transition?

Unknown Speaker  14:49  

Yeah, I was in. And it's hard to explain because I was Yeah, I was in ministry for 14 years. And it was until like three years ago. 2018 like, right Before 2019 When we said you know what we taken a sabbatical, and we really we were done with church was done with ministry. At this time we was burned out, you know, and and so we thought we kind of thought was a sabbatical. So it was gradual at the same time, I was getting hired to do work. I was getting hired to do one client where type of stuff, freelance deal and then um, then it wasn't, didn't didn't, then I establish and said, You know what, we're more than a freelancer more than VR videographer, I am a agency. I'm a creative director, I feel like I can direct things. I have a vision and an eye for things. And I want people to hire me for that. And so as as I kept getting clients more jobs, and I increased my prices, my confidence increased. And I go, Wow, this this this industry, you can make some good money. Yeah. And so I, like I started pursuing that. And yeah, it was gradual. The answer your question? I'm sorry. I can't No, I

Gabriel Flores  16:00  

love it. That's a great answer. That's a great asset. Now. Now, what would you say was difficult about kind of, you know, you pivoting out of ministry, and you're starting your own business? You know, doing it full time? What would you say was was the difficult part

Unknown Speaker  16:14  

about it? The difficult is learning to trust myself. Yes, the difficult part, you know, and when you are in a religion, I was in the emphasis, Don't Trust yourself, trust God, you see, I'm saying so, it's like, I didn't know, find a balance in between that, you know, but um, so it was like, lack of trust and self. I don't know if I'm doing this for my selfish ambition, pride, ego, or I'm being a humble servant. So that was the dilemma I was dealing with. As a creative visionary, you can only imagine how much I have vision, but then stop, slow down, or I'm hesitant. Or I go fast and stop. And I had people see my journey. And they like, Louella, you started this, what are you doing over here? You're doing this whole process. But it wasn't until I got clarity, but that you know, so. Yeah, that was difficult. Because trusting self, it was a is what I had to learn, and, and start betting on myself and boys start paying off. Yes.

Gabriel Flores  17:15  

And I imagine you know, I grew up born and raised Catholic, and you know, kind of coming up in a religion, were really talking about yourself, right? Or talking about your accomplishments was not looked at favorably, right? In fact, it was frowned upon, right? You're, you're not supposed to be giving yourself praise, you're supposed to be praising God. And I think as I grew, and I'm like, feeling that sense of imposter syndrome I've talked about before, you know, are you like, you just feel like you don't belong kind of thing. And then once I started to kind of believe in myself, to your point, right, and started investing in me, that's when the confidence started to come. And I realized, you know, it's not I shouldn't nobody should be ashamed of celebrating their wins. Right? Those Those are wins that you've worked very hard. In fact, I was talking to another guest about like, you know, when these one hit wonder songs come out. Yeah, might be a one hit wonder, but they probably made hundreds of songs before that, that weren't that hit, you know, so it wasn't these people just doesn't happen overnight. Now, what the business? What would you say, you know, kind of transitioning, what would you say, has been easy? Or has there been anything easy?

Unknown Speaker  18:26  

Yeah, with the business side, it's been easy to create, of course, you know, as a creative has been easy to create. And it's been easy to like. Yeah, I mean, of course, I mean, that's probably not the most but yeah, that's easy part. You know, obviously, the difficult part. I can talk about that but you know, but anyway, but the easy part has been easy to create easy to create relationships. I've just made a video and I talked about how, you know, when I'm not a salesy guy, I am out there, but I'm not the type Hey, I'm the guy for you. If you need create creative work, hey, hit me up. DMU I'm not that guy. I need a little bit of that sometimes. But I am the loud introvert I should call myself so what's been easy for me is to create and put my work out there and let my work draw attention and let my work begin to like see, when I can't sell myself my works help sells me. So in, in consistently doing that. And it's been easy to tell my story to talk about my brain go behind the scenes of my brand, the name changes on my brand new logo of my brand, I allow people to be up to see me and see that process. I'm a public processor. And I found that find that to be therapeutic for me sometimes, but sometimes it hits me because, you know, but yeah, you know, because you put yourself out there and act like a fool. But um, at the same time I keep trying to get a motto in our household we say keep trying keep going. That's not I'll go through hard stuff. No, it's keep being curious. But Stay on the process, you know. And so that's been easy is keep going keep trying keep going creating consistency, even in the moment where there's no clarity, just keep going. So

Gabriel Flores  20:10  

you mentioned right now that you're you're not a marketer, right? But how but you you have to brand yourself and market how do you brand the company? How do you market the company?

Unknown Speaker  20:20  

Yeah, we we kind of it's be honest with you, I'm learning that myself just now. Because I think branding is really getting to know yourself and self awareness. And I'm just now finding more self awareness. My idea of branding was to show off my shiny logo was a show off my work. That was my idea of branding. But I understand, you know, what am I known for? And whatever I'm known for, I want to capitalize on that. And I want to solve that. I want to solve that problem. And I want to answer that question. And that's why I believe and be this solution. So now my branding marketing myself is how can I answer stupid questions? or answer a simple question? If so I'm making video and content by educating and answering questions. And I believe I increase my value my brand when I add value to others when I give and, and that's what I'm gonna go. I've been I've been people have seen my work. Now I'm branding myself, I'm showing my work from a marker from influencer to an educator, you know what I mean? So that's what I think,

Gabriel Flores  21:21  

you know, one of the things you mentioned right now, is is the value piece, right? I think I think that's an important lesson for a lot of entrepreneurs is, if you can provide value, you can sell anything. Right? How important is it to kind of create value for for what you're doing? Because that's kind of I'm assuming that's kind of how you get your clients back. So how do you kind of create value for your clients?

Unknown Speaker  21:46  

Yeah, value is serving them value us answering their questions, values. And, and that's me learning. Because that's the key. I believe in like generosity is the gateway in the door to prosperity. I honestly believe that. And I believe in giving I truly care. Like, when I come alongside your company, you tell me your company vision and where you going? I feel like he talks about my vision. I'm an empath. I'm a highly sensitive person, and I'm aware of that, but I use that to my advantage. And yeah, I forgot the whole main thing. He was saying the question, sorry,

Gabriel Flores  22:21  

no, you're good. We're talking about your brand. And what?

Unknown Speaker  22:26  

The value piece? Yep. So is that is that care aspect when people interact with me, and they hear me like, Dang, this dude, care about the brand. He's exactly like he's part of the team. He's acting like, he's one of the employees, or he's part of my creative team. And because I feel that I'm easily, you know, I'm easily not easily pleased, but easily inspired by others, no matter who you are. So and I learn from so many other people. So I believe in adding value by caring and also answering those questions. And it's important because it creates trust. And it creates trust with with the community and the people you're trying to reach. And so the key is to consistently create that trust. Show that you care show that you you want, you want to see them to see. And that's what I say to myself, I say, You know what, I honestly, love making other people look good as a videographer as a graphic, and I love seeing other people succeed. And I said, that's why I'm in a niche market. And that's why I'm succeed. You know, so add value to people show them that you care. I believe helping people is you're gonna get money. Yeah,

Gabriel Flores  23:36  

it's very true. Very true. What what motivates you? What motivates you to kind of keep going?

Unknown Speaker  23:42  

What motivates me is my the, my legacy? My children? I want them to live in the world where they don't have to work for nobody. They have a choice if they want to work for somebody. I want them to live in a world where Yeah, it's it's unfair. It's definitely discrepancies is biases is racism is prejudice, sexism, homophobia, you call it all these things? Yes, we live in this world, but I want you to have the best platform, the best start in you know, so you can make your impact in his world and your kids can so legacy motivates me. And another thing that motivates me, it starts there, and my family and my kids, but also, what motivates me is literally seeing other people touched and change. When I see other people take my advice on a creative level and they implement it. I'm like doing but I'm showing my wife like you see, I just told him that he just, oh, I celebrate. I'm like, wow, they're winning. So yeah, to make an impact on people that motivates me. It's really everything I feel inside all the greatness all the vision, all the fear, like I I feel like God has given me and I can do. What motivates me is to fulfill that and I kind of have a little fear, though fear doesn't run my life as much as he used to, but there's a Little bit of part of me that says, You know what, what drives me is to not maybe hope that won't happen to fulfill all this potential. That's the fear. But also that drives me but also there's a piece about it as well. But anyway, that motivates me.

Gabriel Flores  25:14  

You know, you mentioned the word fear, you know, and it's probably easy to be fearful and kind of new new ventures, have you ever felt that moment of self doubt of, of when you've pivoted from what you've been doing to what you're doing now? Or do you have you always felt like, No, this is what I should be doing.

Unknown Speaker  25:33  

The fear left once I got it really rid of the religious perspective, you know, and the fear is, in do I have self doubt? Yes. I have self doubt sometimes. You know, I definitely do I like, you know, I have like, three things going on in my head at once of projects that then I need to get done, you know, in need, I gotta, you know, so in I got five kids in the family. So yes, sometimes I'm like, Can I do this? You know? Yeah, I'm a solopreneur. Right now. Yeah. My wife is coming on board to help help a little bit, but I let her take her time because we already run the household. So, but yeah, so yeah. Yeah, I have self doubt. But no, not not fear. I don't have fear as much. I feel like I can do anything. Now. I feel like it's just a matter of doing it. Yeah. So

Gabriel Flores  26:25  

what what keeps you up at night? Is a business a small business owner? What's that? What's those things that keep you up at night? Well,

Unknown Speaker  26:33  

it's probably is that it is part of contradicts myself, and you're gonna find that because I'm a human. And that's what process is right process. Everybody like a hypocrite in their process? We all in one, um, but know, what keeps me up at night is kind of what I said, just now is that, you know, a lot of juggling of clients, do they? You know, I'm still working on like, okay. Like, I hope they okay with this project, I hope they okay with this product, sometimes I think about that may love it. And I keep getting good feedback. But at the same time, I'm, maybe it's a perfectionist, and sometimes it's maybe, can I get this done on time? Can I do that. So sometimes that can keep me up at night. But most of the time, it keeps me up. What keeps me up all night, is literally new ideas that I got to say no to. And I'm just expounding on my projects that I'm doing now and a new vision for the future of the of the business and new creative tools. And just, it just juices me. I'm always like, tinkering up here. And it's sometimes I need to turn it off.

Gabriel Flores  27:37  

I love it. When you mentioned, you know, you're kind of thinking about the future of the business. Where does the future of business headed and where you see yours? Where do you see the business in five years?

Unknown Speaker  27:49  

The big vision in five years I see help humans. I see help humans be in a premier digital space, in this world, in this planet on the internet, a small blip on the internet. A premier place for content that literally helps people and you name it area, help moms Help Help dads over 30 You know what I mean? Because that's the future. I call it his help humans network is the digital digital media Television Network where we got one, one network with many channels. And so that's, that's where I see and people can get online courses, they can get coaching. help humans be in a digital space for you name it, but the key is to start off small, then to work our way out. But yeah, five years from now. help humans network, a digital hub for people finding their solutions. I mean, no. So

Gabriel Flores  28:49  

I love it. I love it. Now what what advice would you give folks, you know, that either aspiring entrepreneurs, you know, maybe other folks, maybe clients you've worked with, right? What advice do you have for folks, for some consumers or you know, other entrepreneurs.

Unknown Speaker  29:06  

My advice is to like, just because you can do many things now, do that one thing that people are asking for, that you're known for, and let that open up the door for you to do the other things you want. And I'm speaking from experience, I'd be way farther along if I wasn't juggling five things at once. But that's advice I give you but in order to know is to try to grasp self awareness. Know yourself, get to know yourself so much so you can know what you can and cannot do what works and what doesn't work for you and what can get you in the door or get you out of the door. And I think that's the advice is in Be patient. With the small thing you have that one thing you want. You want to fit 20 things in the door, but just get that one thing that only that allows you to the door that the hardest part is that patients are

Gabriel Flores  29:56  

so what about for yourself? What advice would you give A younger luau

Unknown Speaker  30:03  

is exactly what I just said now. First of all, this is what I give advice Louella bet on yourself, trust yourself, flourish or fail. But do it yourself, you know what I mean? Seriously, don't be afraid. And also just be patient. And just what just whatever if it's just the camera that gets you through that door of you being behind the lens as a videographer that you want to speak or you want to consult that you want to they don't want you for that it's okay. You can just put that on the shelf it's alright Lou well now just get get that camera be a videographer take away your ego and just be that person and be patient in the doors will open up there are other things you want to do instead of the other way around. Yeah, that's what I tell

Gabriel Flores  30:51  

them. I like it. So for the listeners at home that are interested in learning more about you learn more about the company maybe clients out there some future prospect clients are how do they find you? How do they find your information? Where are you at in the social media channels, let them know how they can connect with you.

Unknown Speaker  31:07  

Well, you can connect with me on my website at help humans dot care if the site is under construction, literally my clients website does better looks better than mine. But no it's under construction helpings dot care you can find me at be your platform. That's that's where you can find me on Instagram, I'd be your platform. Also. I got like three different Instagram accounts. Also be yp dot iPhone is another one. I'll give tips tools, the news on how to be your platform, create content for your brand your business using just your iPhone. Yep. So yeah,

Gabriel Flores  31:43  

that's when I follow up on it. That's when I follow like, my mom was like, How do I get better on this thing? Podcasts how to people, how to get more people to be aware of me, but I'm doing on the phone. Right now. Everything's mobile. And for that's actually a great thing for entrepreneurs to think about is when you're thinking about marketing and branding. And you're thinking about your website, think mobile first. Because at the end of the day, I think it's like 68 or 77% of the people that are going to look at your site are going to look at it through the mobile app. And I'm telling this to myself right now because I have a mobile app and a mobile site. But I realized I'm asking all of my listeners to subscribe to my newsletter. But on my mobile I did not put anything that subscribe to my newsletter. It's only on the actual website. So I noticed that today. So now I have to go back and rebuild so I can you know make sure that the listeners when they get onto the mobile version of the webpage, they can sign up for a newsletter. It's the nuances man the nuances to build a website I I built my own and now I'm realizing like this is the I don't wish this on my worst enemy

Unknown Speaker  32:51  

It's no joke that's why I'm not done with mine. And yeah, it's

Gabriel Flores  32:55  

it takes time. Well, Lou, well thank you so much for joining me on the show today. I really do appreciate it again for folks. Please go check it out human help humans dot care right is the website and then a checkout all the different social channels again I follow. I follow well on a few different ones because I actually do get a lot of tips especially from the iPhone marketing. So branding, so please do check that out. For folks at home. Please subscribe to the newsletter. You can also subscribe to the podcast. You can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and have a great night

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