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Jon Jury


Jon Jury



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Gabriel Flores  10:56  

 Hello everyone and welcome to the shades of entrepreneurship. This is your host Mr. Gabriel Flores. Today I'm here with John Jerry. What's going on man?

Jon Jury  13:36  

Yes sir. Yes, sir. Thanks for having me on. Well, I'm well how are you?

Gabriel Flores  13:41  

Man? I'm excited. We we've connected before and some community things so I'm really excited to kind of hear your story. Before we get here your path. Go ahead and introduce the world who is John jury?

Jon Jury  13:54  

Yeah, man, that's a that's a funny. That's a funny question. I've never it's funny when you say it like that. I feel so important. Dude, you know, I'm I'm just like, like everyone else, man. Like, um, I have. Let's see. My mom's from Mexico. My dad is from the south side and biracial kid I grew up in a biracial family grew up in Southern California and the Inland Empire. And yeah, I'm a cowboy to my bones but I'm living in Portland, Oregon for quite some time. And like everyone else, man, just trying to take take life a day at a time and find our way and in search of, you know, happiness and purpose and you know, doing the things that fulfill me fulfill my my family, my wife and I tattooed, I think that I'm trying to think what else I mean, let's say let's start with this and I'll talk a lot about this today is my A lot of my life man has really been rooted in basketball. Or music. Those are the two passions in my life and I think every step of my journey, I've made a decision rooted in basketball or music. So feel really grateful that those are two things that I fell in love with at a young age that have allowed me to turn in to a profession turn into hobbies turned into passions and things that not generate not just generate income, but also allow me to do the things that just make me excited every day to wake up. You know what I mean? I think that's that's what we're all searching for. So yeah, that's, that's me in a nutshell.

Gabriel Flores  15:33  

Love it. In fact, let's let's let's talk a little bit about that passion and what you're kind of doing. So you're currently at Nike, but let's talk about what brought you up to Oregon. What actually brought you to the northwest.

Jon Jury  15:46  

So actually, I've wanted to work at Nike since I was 12. Man I had a opportunity to come to a basketball camp actually out here. When I was young, my uncle used to do some camps. Some pretty major size camps. There was maybe 100 Kids 100 Plus kids, you'd have the Blazers, come to the camp, speak to the camp, do workouts, all that good stuff and I was really competitive. You know, like most people I wanted to play in the NBA. Despite being a five eight no one told us I was gonna get but you know, I feel really blessed and thankful that I was exposed to come in Oregon at that young of age because when I came my uncle took us to the headquarters. The Nike Headquarters after the camp, just my family, myself, my brother, we're walking around and I'm just like, blown away man. I'm seeing people running I'm seeing people hope and at the gym and I'm like, yo folks are working right now. Like, this is work. I know my parents do like my dad was, you know, skilled engineer, but like driving two hours. into the city to work in these manufacturing like companies and my mom was mostly doing a you know, she was a she did a lot of like seamstress stuff but she also was a baker she just like was kind of taking different jobs here and there. But like when I thought of work, I never thought of Nike until I came here for that camp. So that I think, changed the trajectory of my entire life man because I got exposed to it. And I think that's the one thing that why I say I'm blessed a lot of people don't get exposure and know what's really out there. You know, you might find out as you go through your trials and tribulations in turn, you know, turn your struggles into success later in life. I was able to be exposed to that so early. You know, I think I was really fortunate about that. So I knew I wanted ever since then I came back for another camp about a year and a half later, and we went again and I was like, Yeah, this is this is where I'm going to be when I when I'm done. So when I played high school, basketball, varsity all four years. Again, loved loved hoop. My goal was to find a college to play in Oregon so I can be close to campus. That's what I did. I played at Pacific University. It was the first Oregon School that hit me so I was like, I looked at the map was like that's not too far from the campus going there. And the rest was history, man. I just like kicked down doors until I was able to maneuver my way in but that's that's what drew me here. It was really, you know, this this dream job that I had as a kid that brought me up to the northwest.

Gabriel Flores  18:18  

And so now you're in Portland, and you're not just that the swoosh now. Now Now you're we're following the music passion. You're doing other things. Let's talk about your music profession. What are you doing in that world? What are you doing in that arena? So folks that kind of know what you're up to right now?

Jon Jury  18:34  

Yeah. Let's see. I've been doing music for like 1516 years, man like since just a long, long road of just passion and like I I studied I actually minored in music just because I was just like, unfortunately my parents my parents were always really into music from a from a sonic standpoint, we listen to it all the time. My dad had the vinyls, spun records all day long grew up listening to a lot of funk and soul and you know, my mom said obviously her and the only person I remember growing up, we would have mariachi bands and stuff at my grandma's like birthday and stuff, you know, like, there was definitely some music there. But my parents weren't musically inclined. And so it was interesting when I started making music, you know, it was kind of just, I just wanted to learn and figure it out. I had a cousin who put me on to fruity loops back in the day. But that was what kind of kicked it off. And I'd say over the past 1516 years. It's kind of transpired into something that I just I do because I love it first. I will say that I'm not doing it full time. Obviously it's not my nine to five Nikes my nine to five but I call it as my five to nine something that I love to do at the highest level that I possibly can I don't I take the craft very seriously so when I'm if I'm doing a project I'm all in and I'm making sure that you know that's it's to the standard that you would expect to hear on a radio expect to see on television expect to experience it from a concert standpoint, you know, I'm looking at it from every angle to do it at the highest possible level. So, I think today, I'm kind of in this weird space because I've I'm working my day job does take it's pretty taxing from a time commitment standpoint. So finding the time to actually make music at the level I want to do it and frequency I'd like to do it is really challenging. But when I do you know I'm able to finesse that I'd like to go all in and deliver something to the world. It's my community, the people who listen thankful for actually having some dedicated fans that just come back. But I want to make sure you know I'm giving them something that was worth the weight so I'm not going to I don't put out a lot of music actually. I don't I don't drop singles every month and you know I'm like, if you're getting something from me, it's gonna be well thought through. well packaged, you know what I mean? So I'm all about creating experiences. I used to be in a band and we played we gigs all the time. I probably did. Gosh, I don't know like, couple gigs. A week, like we were constantly playing. And I'm kind of past that, you know, I'm not really in in to perform with that kind of frequency anymore. If you're coming to a show, it's because it's going to be a special night and it's something you're going to remember and if you miss it, you're going to be like dang, I missed out on my opportunity. Because I know he's not doing another one anytime soon. So that's kind of where I'm at musically. Now I'm using it as an art. I'm using it as my my outlet for sure. But it's also part of my brand and I think it's what makes me very different when it comes to being a person of color in leadership in a major corporation like this. There's not too many people at my level who are rappers with dreadlocks if you know what I mean. So, it to me it's like it's part of me, it's part of my brand is how I show up. It's what I do is what I hip hop is what I like to the fullest. So, I moved that way, act that way and it's just it's just why

Gabriel Flores  22:11  

you spoken about your wife you spoken about your family. Where does this passion for the music and you spoke about community where does all this passion come from?

Jon Jury  22:23  

You know, the passion from it, you know, I don't know I think it's just like I just like to do everything that at anytime you're walking in line with something that you love. I feel like you do it to the best of your ability. Because you're just so you know, moved by it. You're fulfilled by it. Well, that's my relationship with my wife. You know, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that that feels fulfilling. I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that I'm going to make music and to make sure that you know, if I'm showing up for my day job, I'm going to show up and put my best foot forward because I'm passionate about the work that I do. So I think it really just comes from a sense of like I never want to be in a space that doesn't move me because then I think when you I think we've all experienced that too and it's it is part of the journey. You have to do things maybe you don't necessarily always want to do immediately to get to that next spot that that will break up and and allow you to do the things you want to do. But if I can move in life every step I take be something that I have just loved and passionate about then it's it's gonna be my best work every time. So

Gabriel Flores  23:36  

in one of the things you mentioned earlier, too was you as your community in you know you mentioned up here from California, but you've really ingrained in kind of engross yourself into the Portland community. Why is community so important to you?

Jon Jury  23:51  

I honestly man I think that community is really like I think the most important part of this is really rooted in like, you can only go as far as your community will hold you up to get to, you know what I mean? There's not a single successful person that doesn't have a village around them. It takes a village and successes you know, that's defined in different ways and to each their own but I do think that no matter what, whether you're striving for something specifically, whether that be a business or brand or what have you. Or even if you're you're introverted and you like to keep to yourself and you're totally content with like being on your own and doing your own thing. You still need a community around you to really allow you to reach that level of I think happiness, to be honest, like, my community is filled with love and anytime I put anything out into my community I know it's coming back tenfold. For me personally, that's the most important thing from a community standpoint, I we all support one another. I know when I do something, I'm gonna have the support. I know I have people I can call on I know I have people who will go out on a limb for me because they fully believe in my brand or who I am or what I do what I what I believe in. And you really feel like you know, nothing can stop you when you have that feeling. So community is everything to me. In fact, we cross paths because of our communities. And I think that's a really special thing. But yeah, it's especially in my profession and in my in, in music. You know, this is it. I'm nothing without, you know, my supporters and my community, my villages they hold me down and love them for it.

Gabriel Flores  25:45  

Have you ever had a moment of self doubt?

Jon Jury  25:49  

Definitely. I think everyone has for sure. I think the moments of self doubt for me though have never been usually self doubt is because you're not confident in something and I am actually a very confident person and I used to grow up extremely competent. Some people thought I was cocky but I was just really confident that you know, I was the better Hooper or I was the better rapper or I was the better this like I just because I practiced the craft and I felt so good at what it was that actually I didn't care if I lost I knew I was good. You know what I mean? I was the level of confidence that I moved, did everything in life with but there's definitely been situations when you get put in a seat or are asked to do something that maybe is a little uncomfortable and those are always the moments where you get to, you know, grow I think I think those are if you're not feeling tested and you're not feeling uncomfortable, it's hard to grow if you don't have that experience. And so I think the times I've ever felt the self doubt has been when I've been put in a spot to do something that maybe made me uncomfortable or was just not something I was used to doing but what allowed me to get through that was the proper prep. So as long as I was able to prepare for it, then I showed up and I was confident and the doubt immediately goes away whether that's a stage or actually look at like performing and like being in meetings all the time very similar because if I gotta present something to like a external partner, who's this celebrity or this whoever and I need to like you know, pitch something to them or work through something with them. You know, that can be nerve wracking for a lot of people but I know I'm prepared. And when I step on that stage, all that self doubt goes away because once I start talking, it's just like, Okay, I do this, like I know how to do this. So I think we all experienced that a little bit but the preparation I think is is key.

Gabriel Flores  27:47  

You know, you mentioned about preparation. Right? What Where's John jury the next year five years 10 years what's what's the goals? What's your, what's your professional ladder looking like?

Jon Jury  27:59  

Matt 10 years, hopefully retired early.

Gabriel Flores  28:04  

Yeah, baby.

Jon Jury  28:06  

I'll be honest, that would be that'd be the real Treme. 10 year profession, but it's a beyond honest, man. It's been a it's been quite a journey over the last few years because I've actually maneuvered a little bit and haven't taken on. I'm currently working through a little bit of a transition in terms of the type of work I'm doing. And I think I see myself continuing to challenge myself with new experiences that will allow me to grow and sharpen not just my current skill set, but just add to my skill set and be able to do things that maybe I don't have down on paper just yet. So what that means is, professionally, you know, I might be I've been working in product for a very long time we do apparel. I lead an apparel business, but you know, that might look a little bit more like focusing a little bit more on the marketing side or you know, brand side doing something that is still correlated but is a different muscle. You know what I'm saying? From a music side, which is also still professional because, you know, that's it's a I do take that seriously. That looks like actually I'm giving you the sneak insight into this now but like, everyone kind of knows I come with a certain sound and deliver a certain vibe, I guess. But I'm challenging myself to kind of add to my Discography With with sounds and things that people maybe aren't used to hearing me rap on or produce. So not gonna get too into it just yet, but you'll definitely see that on the next project. My last project dope dealer, which is my definitely my best body of work. And I think the fan favorite it's a no brainer that there was a lot a lot of good stuff on that but I want I want the evolution to be completely different. I don't want to sound like that, you know what I mean? And if we're not growing and moving forward, then you know, we're not this is an again to each their own. I feel like if I'm not growing and moving forward, then I'm I'm not achieving what I you know, no, I can and, and that's the one thing is I just want to grow. You know what I mean? I want to I want to look back and see that every year I grew every year I did something new and added in a positive way to to who I am and what I do and what I offer. So I would say in five years I hope I have some projects that just sound crazy, that that you know, change the trajectory of my music. And I also hope that I have taken on some new challenges from a nine to five standpoint that you know, I pushed me into a space I never thought that I would be in and then another five years were retired. So we're good right after that. Yeah. Yeah, actually, you know, one thing I will add, my son, my wife runs this business. It's a health and life coaching business. And I do see that in you know, in 10 years from now, I hope that I'm taking a bigger stake and working in that versus the nine to five or at least, you know, music doing music full time while supporting that I think would be the real dream job because I feel like I've been able to check the box. You know, I came out here as a kid excuse me, I came out here as a kid and did the Nike thing. So I think the natural evolution is is that to me?

Gabriel Flores  31:38  

Yeah, yeah, totally makes sense. You know, they kind of, you know, they kind of say oh, what's that damn saying, I just got stuck in my head. But before I get further than that, go ahead and give your wives business a plug. I want to hear kind of just gentlemen give a quick listen to the synopsis of so they might be interested in what is the wise business how they might learn more about it.

Jon Jury  32:01  

Yeah, thanks for asking, actually, man that the so the business is really it's called whole human. It is a it's a so number one. She was an educator for over a decade. And I think in addition to that, she's she's been on this like health journey and life journey for that whole time where she's run to us just like 13 marathons in like 20 plus half marathons, like all these, like she's done Spartan Races and I did I almost died. I did a bike. I did die. I actually came back to life after

Gabriel Flores  32:36  


Jon Jury  32:38  

was just top five and Spartan Races. Top five and bodybuilding competitions, like people don't do that. And that takes a very specific set of nutrition or routines or strategies to be able to do those successfully. But at the same time, we're doing all of that. You know, we're kind of known as like the couple that parties in a couple of hours a good time we travel we eat good we we love a good cocktail, we we love wine tasting, you know, we're traveling somewhere and we want to go get on a booze cruise and we're just like cruising down the Caribbean like, you know, but still living the lifestyle and living the lifestyle we want. But still having the whether it's health goals or life goals, still being able to do that. So her whole thing with whole human is it's kind of like in teaching they call it a wraparound service, where you have a kid but you have services for other needs that they have. That's the approach the whole human is really being able to serve a client in the way they need to be served. So she's literally like you might have came here because you wanted to lose weight but you're actually your whole life's gonna change because we're going to focus on your relationship with your family and in addition to your relationship with food in addition to your relationship with work in addition to all of these things, and it's been so cool man to see the transformation that people have. It's truly life changing. So it is life coaching. And it is definitely an experience that I don't think any other service is providing out there. So to us this is an unlock it's a huge thing and humans definitely that's that's that's where you need to go if you need any health and life related goals. To achieve. Shout out Wi Fi. It's at its Kayla jury on Instagram. We just started a podcast actually called the whole human podcast that is just incredible. So shout out to her. That's that's uh, hopefully in 10 years my you know, my new boss.

Gabriel Flores  34:42  

They always say you know, the first 30 years are alive. We're building a resume the last 30 years in real life. We're building our legacy. Sounds like that's what you're trying to focus on. And, you know, I think with a competitive nature, you know, the general rule is if we're not getting competitively better, we're gonna competitively worse so like to your point, you know, always can constantly constantly be learning. So how do you you know, market yourself J jury if you're, you know, either coming out with a new product or coming out with a new song, how do you market yourself?

Jon Jury  35:08  

Yeah, well, I mean, I think the word market or marketing is multifaceted, right? You gotta, you gotta definitely take advantage of all of the different tools and resources and ways to get your brand or your who you are out there. For me, it's pretty simple. I don't you know, I'm actually not in the currently in the financial position to where I want to throw a bunch of money from a marketing standpoint, I think there's a much smarter way at some point as a business, you need to do that. But there are also I think there are times when people maybe do it too soon or not with the right products or not with the right angle. And so, where I always start is, where's my low hanging fruit in terms of my brand, who do I connect with making sure that I'm connecting that dot right? As long as my, my whether it's my fan base or my the community or whoever it My target is? I'm doing my I'm going to market this in a way that will attract them. So, for example, I know if I want to, if I want the whole city of Portland to know about an upcoming project that I have, then I know who I need to talk to, in terms of getting the word out. I have tapped in I mean, the face to face stuff goes such a long way as you tap in with your fellow DJs your fellow other artists, other people in in the streets, you that's like your gorilla crew that helps with that word of mouth is literally the number one lowest hanging fruit that anybody any business can have. It doesn't matter how good your posts are, your promo, whatever. If you don't have people talking about you to other people, then you're not going to get that far. So I always start there. It's like how do I how do I kind of create this spiderweb effect if you will, of word of mouth. In addition to using tools like social media that that's really easy. I think that's the the other lowest hanging fruit that I think all of us have access to and can use and when used in the right way you can definitely you know, reach people you didn't think you ever would. So I always start with those two because those are the easiest ones. And then you know from there, it just really depends on the project. Again, you know, if you're going to, you know, really lean into ADS and mark the market through advertisements, that's another, obviously one you should do. But again, lowest start start lowest hanging fruit. We don't all have the budgets, you know, especially independent artists and people who are just starting out. Take advantage of your community. Take advantage of the people around you who are supporting you I mean, you literally we probably all have someone in our phone, who was willing to share whatever you have coming up with their entire contact list and you didn't even know he didn't ever asked

Gabriel Flores  38:17  

it very true. You know, Nipsey Hussle said you know the person that actually is probably going to root for you the most is somebody I've never met 100% Remember that? Yeah. Now one of the things you know what, what's some advice you would have for some of these listeners at home either in the product world or in the music world that are trying to come up?

Jon Jury  38:40  

Mmm hmm. I think there's, I mean, there's a there's quite a few gems. I've kind of picked up over the years, man, but the thing that resonates with me, at least in this moment the most is so be authentic. Be as authentic to yourself. as possible. I think we all owe that to ourselves. If you step into a place that doesn't feel is right for you. We all have that gut instinct. You gotta listen to that. We all have that intuition and and I know that anytime I have stepped foot in a place where I was confident I felt I knew this is where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do. My best work came from that. We talked about that a little bit earlier. Right? The things I loved are the things I'm passionate about. That was my best work. And it's really hard to put forth your best work in a space that you feel is maybe sucking the life out of you. Right or you feel like you're going through the motions going through the motions got nobody to the highest level, you know what I mean? So, number one, be very authentic with yourself but then show up authentically. You know, your brand. You know, people always say it's, it's a it's all about who you know, and though that might be true, I would say it's more important, who knows you and who knows you and your brand and what you represent and how you show up is what really goes a long way, especially in the corporate world. If you have leaders that believe in you and they're well respected leaders and they they're vouching for you then you know that that's the position you want to be in if you're in any industry, music wise, you know if there are there are well respected people out there who may drop my name and all of a sudden I have a contact hitting me that I never thought would but they just trusted that person because they spoke highly of the brand and what I represented so stay authentic, you know, don't deviate. Don't don't allow anyone to put you in a box that you feel, isn't you? Because you're not going to put forth your best work. You're not going to be truest to yourself. And let's be honest, we're all I mean the purpose of life in my opinion, is to be happy is to do things that make you happy. We've all got the thing that when you do it, like all the stress leaves, all the everything is just out the window and you are just fulfilled and you are happy. We should be striving to do that in every way possible. And it is really really difficult to do that. I'm definitely not gonna say that that's not hard. We all know that life has its thing that the hurdles we got to go through. But if you're staying authentic to yourself, and you're moving in that, with that in mind, I mean the world's our oyster and like, you really can accomplish so much more when you're when you're focused on that versus the money or doing something because someone said that's what you need to do you know what I mean? Like I think we get a little caught up on a formula to life there's not a formula like how I got to my seat is different from other people who are in similar seats, right? And same for you I'm sure how you got to your seat is very different from your co whether it be co your colleagues, your friends, family, whoever we all have a different journey and and that in itself is a really, really cool thing and neat thing to learn from each other's experiences but your journey is your journey and don't compare yourself to others stay authentic stay in what you know is in your heart and you'll never go wrong.

Gabriel Flores  42:08  

Yeah, you know and that folks listen to hope there's a there's a few nuggets that I want to pull out real quick and one is you know John's really kind of talking about the traveling and the experience you gain from traveling and gaining from other experiences having moments of of uncertainty church truthfully go to a different country you're going to learn so much quicker go in a different country because one you don't know the language you don't know much. You're going to learn pretty quickly though where that bathroom is and where to get something to eat right when you kind of go those locations. And I think what John was also kind of talking about is like your zone of genius, right? Exactly. You don't want to get stuck into your zone of competence where you certainly you can do it, but you don't feel any fulfillment doing it. You know, try to find that zone of genius. And it's kind of like, you know, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again expecting a different result. Right? That's that's a true definition of insanity. So don't, don't sit on basically, you know, run yourself insane by trying to do something the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Get out experience some new things try different things you know, one thing I've been talking about recently is you know, my my dad you know always says you know if you're gonna be a digger will be the best digger possible now if I'm be a digger, why don't you teach me how to use an excavator so I can do this a lot faster, right. Now, try to think innovatively now John for the listeners at home that might be interested to learn more about you. They might be wanting to listen to your music want to connect with you. How do they connect with you website social media, how can they get a hold of you?

Jon Jury  43:39  

Honestly, the easiest way is definitely IG is the easiest. You can find me at Jay underscore j u ry. Or you can just type in J J XJURY J jury everyone calls me jury you can hit me just say you are you You found out through this you know this interview but yeah, and that's that's the way that's it which is crazy. I mean people out and about traveling the world. And I don't even get my phone number out. I just give them you know, give them the gram. And that's like, it's just really it's a beautiful thing that we all kind of have at our disposal to connect with people and build relationships. And then you know, I've seen I've seen businesses so many businesses built off the strength and you know, just that so hit me up there. musics on all streaming platforms JXJ u ry again. But yeah, that's me. Thank you so much for having me man. I really I really feel honored and appreciative for the for the conversation.

Gabriel Flores  44:39  

Oh man, thank you so much for coming on. Now. Are there any any like events coming up that you want to throw out there to make us aware of that might be coming up?

Jon Jury  44:46  

Yeah, actually. So I'm working on a pretty big one for this summer. I am. Wow that you're gonna be the first to hear this. I love it. Yeah, so I'm actually working on a music festival that I would love to throw this summer. So details to come but just know that JJ has got something major for the city this summer, working on it with a lot of great talent. And we're just going to have a full day of just quality music, incredible vendors and just the night to remember so I think we just don't do these sorts of things enough here. Especially with the talent that I'm planning to bring to this in terms of who's in our backyard here in Portland and who, who heavily again, this is for my community. This is for the people who I want to expose to my community. So it'll really be like all my homies all the people that definitely rock with who I think do the craft and take it as seriously as I do. But also show love because at the end of the day, you know I can see talent all the time. But that doesn't necessarily mean I want to be associated with with that brand or that, you know, person or their community. But I see a lot of people doing some amazing things pulling community together and doing like just doing numbers for the city and I think it's a really, really dope thing that I love to bring you know all of their communities into one spot because we all kind of have some similar red threads and I think the number one thing would be love so going to be a really, really fire summer I will for sure keep you posted. See if there's ways we can partner and just be part of it because it's going to be a beautiful day. And yeah, man, that's that's the biggest. I'm working on a project too and planning to have the project come up before that. So new music, new shows. It's going to be a it's going to be a really, really good year.

Gabriel Flores  46:42  

Oh baby. You've heard it here first on the shades bunchy partnership folks. In fact, this information will be on the newsletter which is a perfect time to shamelessly plug the website the shades of Please visit and you can subscribe to the newsletter at the shades of You can also follow me on the social sites at the shades of E on the Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Is there any last words you would like to leave the listeners with?

Jon Jury  47:12  

man Yeah, just shout out to Shane II shout out to Gabriel man you know you're doing things for the community and these are the type of these are the things that I think go they just don't go seen enough. And so as somebody if you're listening to this because I brought you here and you're a fan of me, I'd like to introduce you my community to shades of E because what you're doing is really really special and it's it's appreciated and I love how you move I think the minute we met we clicked and I just like knew you were in service of community and just just filled in moving with love as well. So thank you. Keep doing what you're doing, man and shout out you. And Jerry

Gabriel Flores  47:53  

is an honor. Thank you so much. And please let me know about this news music festival as it comes in. If you need an emcee, let me know I got the mic. I'll be out there on the stage ready to go baby. Again listen at home please subscribe to the shades of newsletter and you can also follow us on this social sites instagram facebook, twitter, not Twitter, tick tock and Facebook. Thank you and have a great night. 

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