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Haley McClain Hill


Haley McClain Hill



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@0:01 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Hello everyone and welcome to the Shades of Entrepreneurship, this is your host, Mr.

Flores. Today, I am here with the founder of Torch Warrior Rare, Hayley McClain.

@1:08 - Haley McClain Hill

Hayley, how are we doing? Hi, Gabriel. Thank you so much for having me.

@1:11 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

We're doing great. We're doing great, folks. I have met Hayley before on a different project. She was part of helping some of these individuals, entrepreneurs learn their pitches for pitch Latino Seattle, which was very successful.

And she has quite the phenomenal story. So, Hayley, please introduce yourself.

@1:29 - Haley McClain Hill

Who is Hayley? Well, guys, I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania. I grew up a dancer, was very active, and my grandmother, who served 20 years in the Air Force, always instilled in my family the importance of education and doing your best in anything that you do.

So, when college came around, I decided to go into the Air Force ROTC program at Penn State. I decided to continue my cheer and dance career at

as a Penn State cheerleader, and I majored in mathematics. So after all college crazy, this was done. I went into the Air Force, active duty, was a recruiter for a year, to California for my last three years of my contract, and then started my business and decided to get out of the military, and do that full time.

@2:20 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Wow, I mean, that is a lot to do, even before you're done with college, I think, I didn't go to college until I almost like 30, so let's see how much you've done in such a short period of time is really, really phenomenal.

Now, let's talk about, you went to Penn State University, you mentioned, and then you went to the ROTC program.

@2:41 - Haley McClain Hill

What made you decide and go into that program? Well, I did want to get out of Pennsylvania, because Pennsylvania is cold, so I did apply to Florida, ended up receiving a full ride scholarship through the Air Force, but they told me I had to stay in Pennsylvania, so in Penn State.

school. So I said, okay, you know, pay thousands of dollars to go to Florida or just tough enough with the winter.

So I decided just to stay there. And I think the reason why I decided to go into the Air Force too was because I got my school paid for, but because I wanted to travel the world, and I didn't necessarily know what I wanted to do in my life.

So being in the Air Force for four years was a good stepping stone for me to figure out, okay, now I kind of know what my passions are, and then I can dive into business.

@3:29 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

And through that experience, you mentioned you've identified your passion, but then you're also able to find a problem that needed a solution that you created.

So tell us about Torch Warrior Wear.

@3:43 - Haley McClain Hill

What is it? Yes, so Torch is the first clothing brand that is dedicated to making military women feel more comfortable in their uniforms.

There's a lot of uniform items that cater more towards men, because there's only really 16% of women in the military.

It's growing. rapidly but a lot of our uniform items just aren't, you know, evolved into what the modern day woman really needs.

So the bodysuit is our hero product. We basically have created a product that women can wear in their uniform while they're serving in the military because it's the correct color, the correct cut, everything's in regulations, and they can wear that instead of a boxy t-shirt that doesn't help their performance because ultimately everybody in the military is an athlete and our uniform should enhance our performance.

So this is the beginning, we're looking to launch an entire brand and revamp the entire uniform around what the new female warfighter needs.

And yeah, we're excited to see where it goes.

@4:44 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

That is incredible. So, you know, essentially, folks, if you haven't seen the website, I really encourage you to check it out because the colors are really cool.

Even if like you're not in the military to be honest with you, I would not be surprised that my wife would purchase these items as well.

But take us back to the beginning And when you kind of realized that there was a problem within your program, what was kind of that in like that moment?

It's like, you know what, I think I have a solution to this.

@5:10 - Haley McClain Hill

Well, it started in 2021 when I was stationed at Beal Air Force Base. I was the executive assistant to one of the commanders who ran one of the maintenance squadrons.

So they worked on the planes, all the spy planes and stuff like that. And I was his right hand woman.

And when COVID hit, it really, it really put a, I mean, the military and the world really didn't know what to do with our people.

So we were working half of the time at home because we wanted to make sure people were separated and then we were still essential workers.

So then we would go into the office, come back home. So it was just like a lot of trying to figure things out.

And I just remember when I was home, being able to work in something comfortable, and not having to put on my uniform that didn't fit me and didn't feel comfortable.

I just remember being 10 times more proactive. And I don't know if that's just you or me. I don't know if that's everybody.

When you feel more comfortable when what you're wearing, you are so much more productive. So one day when I was about to have to go back into the office, I was wearing a bodysuit and sweatpants, just like a regular girl, whatever.

And I just thought to myself, why can't I just, this is the right color, the right cut? And nobody's gonna know if it's different or not because it's pretty much a t-shirt, it just will fit me better.

And so I decided to drive down to LA. I'm at one of my off weeks, got a manufacturer. They talked to me about the fabric.

They talked to me about what would be needed to create this product, because they're all professionals out there and they helped me make the prototype.

And then that's really when I launched it on to take talk and then the rest is history.

@6:51 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love that because you know what you essentially did is like, listen, I don't know very much about this industry.

I'm gonna go alone for some professionals and you went out and network.

@7:00 - Haley McClain Hill

How? important was that to network and how inclusive were these individuals when they're kind of helping you grow your business?

Oh, it's essential. I mean, I had no idea what I was doing. Other than me walking into a mall and purchasing clothes, that's my extent of the fashion industry.

was like, I didn't know about hang tags about how thick the fabric was, anything like that. And so, as soon as I knew I wanted to create this product, I just dove right into my fabric company and I just let them teach me everything.

And I asked a million questions. I still ask a million questions and we work together as partners, which is nice and they're just super patient with me.

@7:38 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

What would you say is one thing that they've taught you so far that has been the most beneficial thing to learn?

@7:44 - Haley McClain Hill

I think the most beneficial thing my manufacturer has taught me was just overall supply chain logistics and just how to better plan for, you know, if you're launching a

pre-order, how long it's going to take, and how to launch your product around that, and then also managing customer expectations.

And then, of course, just the overall understanding of what fabric is going to work best in certain environments in certain situations.

yeah, I mean, you can learn, I mean, they taught me so much, it's hard to pick one.

@8:21 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So that's great, you know, and I think what's a nice thing, what you mentioned too, is managing customer expectations.

In fact, one of the things you also highlighted was when you launched, you launched on TikTok, you launched on a social media platform.

@8:35 - Haley McClain Hill

Tell us about that experience. Well, you know, it's as simple as it can get. And I think that a lot of people have this thing of like, oh, he can get so swallowed up by the internet or by social media.

And sure, it is a crazy world. But you have a product that is super niche and it is solving a very specific problem.

Your people are going to find it and they're not going to find you unless you put it out there and it was a super relatable video I literally just put you know my phone up to me I was like who else would want this like I love this It was so simple like that and didn't really put that much thought into it and then the girls just started to share and share and share and and it was kind of the ripple effect And since then of course we've tried to really develop our social media strategy a little bit more make it more in depth have ambassadors photoshoots all that stuff but in the beginning it's super like look at how great this looks on me And I think you guys would like it.

So that was really a strategy.

@9:38 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, no, I think it obviously paid off very very well because like I was mentioning in the show is I truly have checked out the website and checked out the items and they honestly look like things that you would not assume are military driven, right?

It's truly like if you know Kanye West recently fashioned so it's very similar to that kind of color and style

I was very impressed with how you done it. Now, one of the things you also mentioned was managing customer expectations.

How do you do that as a business?

@10:09 - Haley McClain Hill

Honesty, honesty, The more you think on a problem and try to figure out the best way to say it to your people, worse it's going to get.

You have to take it in, make a decision and communicate. Even if the communication is, we don't know exactly how to solve this problem yet, but we are working on it.

People just want to know that you're thinking of them, and your team is working on it. So don't sit and think about how to answer it perfectly.

Just be honest about where you are and just share incrementally how you're going to solve that problem.

@10:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love that because at the end of the day, entrepreneurship has challenges. have difficulties. And you mentioned being open to your customers is one way to manage those customer expectations.

But what about just challenges? How do you yourself as an entrepreneur? How do you list some of the challenges that you've gone through starting this business and how have you kind of persevered this result?

@11:14 - Haley McClain Hill

You know, I think that what I have faced, the toughest challenge I've faced is financial, the balance between wanting to scale and the balance of trying to build systems and things in place that are going to...

It's like the difference between being offensive on your business and defensive on your business. And so I'm very offensive type of person.

I am very competitive. I am like, when I have an idea, I'm ready to go for it.

@11:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

That's the military and the athlete in me. I'm like, let's go, go, go, go.

@11:52 - Haley McClain Hill

But what I've been struggling with is like, you can't always put all your time and energy and money into moving forward.

You have to balance. that with systems and trainings and just overall, you know, making sure the organization of your company is good to go as well.

So in order for me to combat that challenge, I really had to bring in people who that's their strength.

And thankfully I, my community is full of amazing military women who are extremely intelligent, super like organized, detailed, everything.

so I really just reach out to my community and people who are part of the brain. And I said, who can help me with this?

Because I am totally the offensive visionary type of CEO. I need someone who's going to be that really in the lead, making sure everything is knocked out the right way.

So now I've kind of brought on a COO position and it's helped me tremendously.

@12:49 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

And we can both live in our strengths. Yeah, I really, really absolutely love you seeing that. I'm going to give a shout out Adrienne Vorschitz.

I work with her at OHSU. G is my CEO. kind of thinking I have very similar where I I can plan everything and build it but I kind of need somebody to help them with the operations and make sure that we're doing it correctly and to your point folks when you're building a business the operations is so important because what you really need to be ready to if you if you grow 300 percent overnight you know and if especially if your items are online which is a possibility you have to be ready to fulfill those orders within to you as you mentioned it earlier you know managing those customer expectations and then identifying individuals that have strengths that you don't is so so important you know as mentioned the pitch Latino we're actually adding a couple board members here soon and we're talking about what is it that we need help with right is it the operations know we have a phenomenal operations okay was it you know raising funding maybe is it you know leadership is an advanced planning and so identifying you know what the board current strengths are individually right is an individual and then how do

we help expand on that, right? And you got to be kind of humbled when you do this, too, because I think as entrepreneurs, we tend to go in it with a jack of all trades, master of men, we have to do it all, right, at the beginning.

And then having that moment of like, you know what, okay, I just built my baby, right, your business. Now I have to bring somebody in, right?

What was that moment like for you that you finally realized, you know what, I do need help and I need to bring in a COO?

@14:30 - Haley McClain Hill

Let's see. The moment when I realized that, I feel like I've known it for a long time, sometimes you do.

@14:40 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

You're getting nervous, yeah.

@14:42 - Haley McClain Hill

Yeah, I feel like I've known for a very long time, and I actually am a serial entrepreneur. I have another company that puts on NFL cheerleading team retreats, because every year NFL cheer teams have to do tryouts, and so we do team bonding events for the

the teams. And I have a COO in that company and I don't with torch. And so what I realized was like, wow, this is running so much more smoothly over here than me over here.

And that was kind of like my comparison. was like, I see physically, this is working and this is not as much.

So that's really how I realized.

@15:24 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Okay, I'm not going to let you get away with this. You can't just drop in another entrepreneurial endeavor without me digging into this.

Let's talk about this. What is this business called? And tell me, how did you get into, you mentioned you're a, you know, dance at PSU at Penn State.

How did you go from that to teaching NFL cheerleaders?

@15:45 - Haley McClain Hill

Well, Gabriel, I was actually an NFL cheerleader as well.

@15:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

story just keeps getting better folks and like, unpilling an onion right now.

@15:53 - Haley McClain Hill

is phenomenal. Oh, yeah. I'll have couple more layers for you. got some more fun facts out there. No, I mean, it's, you know, when I when you get out of the college cheer space, there's really only other option is to go pro.

And so when I was in military, I moved to Atlanta, shared with the Atlanta Falcons and then moved to Cali and share with the 49ers for a year.

So I did one year with each team. And I just I love dance and I'm sure you have your passion.

And it's like, this was my opportunity to still be part of that world without actually wearing the uniform because your weekends are shot, you're super busy when you're part of a team.

So this way I can come in, meet the girls, meet the team and bark my and tell them everything that I learned from, you know, being an entrepreneur, I love to teach cheerleaders entrepreneurship because we're such dynamic, positive people go get our people.

It's just like athletes, right? transitioning that energy into business is very transferable. So I go back in and we do these weekend retreats and the teams contract us out just to come in and take that off their plate.

@17:00 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

so they can prepare for the season and we can just help the team bond so the season is a lot more fruitful and fulfilling for everyone so yeah kind of like the event planning it's more of my passion project we have two treats this year with the Falcons and the Vikings and and hopefully we can just continue to grow so I love it and you know mentioned you know you have your passion dance folks I got to tell you my passion is our beloved Raiders and it's breaking my heart that you did not dance for our Raiders but it's okay it's okay we'll let it pass this one time you had look you had Jimmy G Jimmy G let's go we both had Jimmy G so we can both bond on that how about that yeah they're fair enough fair enough man that is great and you know I really it is really interesting because I love it how you call it a passion project but yet it's still you know one building a network and growing and learning and you'll also do this with entrepreneurs another thing you do is you help pitch you help coach

uh pitching.

@18:00 - Haley McClain Hill

Tell us a little bit about that. Yeah, Gabriel, that's um, it's new. It's new. I think that I've seen success on Shark Tank.

I've seen success in other pitch competitions. And I just am like, okay, maybe this is something that I'm good at.

You know, sometimes we're just like, I guess I'm good at this, even though you don't really think about it.

And um, I have a business coach and she told me you should look into niching down into helping other people win pitch competitions because as you know, when you become an entrepreneur, everyone wants to know, oh, how do you do this?

could, you could get into business coaching, which is very broad and all that stuff. But I think I really want to specialize and like really help people win pitch competitions.

So that's where I specifically, that's where I've seen success. So I just like to offer my services to pitch competition hosts, um, to high schoolers, people who are looking for fundraising and just give them that entertainment value to their pitch and the storytelling aspect.

@18:55 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So they can really get the funding. You know, you just again, folks, she keeps throwing and in these little golden nuggets, you things we're not going to listen to.

One of the things you just talked about was how successful you are in different competitions, including Shark Tank. So talk about how you have built your brand through pitch competitions and talk about some of the pitch competitions that you've gone through.

@19:16 - Haley McClain Hill

Yes, yes. Pitch competitions, man. are so, they have allowed me to build extremely positive relationships and also have allowed me to get out of some dark times financially without having to take hours or months filling out grant applications.

So I at first, I applied to the veteran shark tank pitch competition that specifically for veterans and it's very small stages of their business.

prize was a $50,000 grant and I just saw it on Instagram and I applied and I just was like, hey, we'll see.

I've never done one before, but I need you know, myself out there, especially to my community, especially if it's a military focused pitch competition, this is perfect.

So I got chosen to be one of the top five, went up against an army veteran, couple of Marine veterans, another Air Force, but actually I think it was just maybe Army Marines, and I was the only Air Force girl and I had five minutes to pitch.

And what I did was dive deep into YouTube and just like, how do I craft this? How, you know, pulling from billion different pitches.

like, okay, this sounds good. And I just kind of went for it. brought in bottles, I kind of really tried to bring that entertainment value to it and ended up winning the PK.

And that really took us into an incredible direction with just like notoriety in the military space, which helped so much.

So it's one piece of advice I'd get to people like, find pitch competitions, yes, but also find them that are going to make sense in your niche because then people will know you in that space.

Then I reached out to you by somebody else from the founders live. I'm not sure if you ever heard of founders live.

I have no another kind of pitch seat pitch competition sequence found that out from a friend who I cheered for in the NFL, actually, and he was like, you should really do this one so I did that one too.

And I blue, blue to Minnesota, blue to Minnesota. Yeah, and did that one. And I was like, okay, that was cool.

Another just experience. And it was a different space other than the military. So I didn't know how I would be received, we won that one also.

So I was like, okay, like, we've got something here like the military likes it regular people like it. Okay.

And then that's what I decided about a shark tank. I was like, all right, I think I have used to use cases.

We have some tracks with sales. I think this is a really great story. I'm going to apply. that's when I went through that entire process.

hired a shark tank coach. That one was I really dove in deep to make sure I was extremely prepared, you know, prepared for probably three, four months.

show and ended up getting a deal with Lori, which was awesome. You guys got to watch the episode on Hulu.

was it's nerve bite. It's nail bite. And so, yeah, we since then, it's been incredible to be able to have her mentorship and also to be surrounded by other shark tank entrepreneurs who are super go-getters and just like very passionate about helping each other.

And so, yeah, now we're just continuing the grind. Of course, it never stops, but it's like it has allowed me to grow very fast in my space.

@22:37 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love it. I really, it's such a cool story. And folks, if I can find this information, this is a great time to plug the newsletter for the Shades of Entrepreneurship.

I will have Haley's information, including this information about her shark tank episode on the newsletter. go ahead and visit the Shades of to subscribe to that.

And you know, it's really interesting because it's pitching really is kind of an are you know and you know with like was mentioning our pitch Latino competition in Seattle very successful I'm going to let you guys know we're actually going be doing pitch Latino bend later on this year as well as pitch Latino Portland so we have two in Oregon and I really encourage you to get out and try to pitch your your pitch your idea another thing we're actually creating is pitching pints and so really just hey let's go meet at a local Latino owned bar here in the Oregon area so we can help support them but just come throw your ideas out let's just chat about your ideas because I think think what Haley also you know organically talked about was finding her product market fit you know through pitch competitions one she found that okay I see that the the the veterans are are a market that enjoy it and then you said you went out to Minnesota now now the even the general population is also and again folks as we're always telling you I checked out the website I do believe it's cross trending into multiple cultures and the fact that you're

able to also get it. Oh, or maybe I guess it's a question. Because you mentioned, you know, you know, the military does require certain fits and certain colors.

Is this approved by the military to use military service?

@24:12 - Haley McClain Hill

It is.

@24:13 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, all over the world. And then again, that is incredible because folks kind of think about, okay, well, I'm never going to wear a military suit.

@24:22 - Haley McClain Hill

And next thing you know, you're wearing fricking cargo pants with all the camouflage. I remember the 90s, folks, they'll have some Doc Martin sandals.

That's probably why I have calves that look like I've been riding bikes my whole life.

@24:32 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

And that's for another day. That's for another day. Yes, Joe, the cab. But you know, I really do. I really encourage folks to get out and network and build that because asking people outside of your inner circle if your idea is a good business idea is important because the feedback you get from those is very important.

Now, one of the things you also discussed was mentorship. You have a mentor and a business coach. Even Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant the best that ever did they had coaches.

How important has that like the mentorship and coaching aspect been for your professional development?

@25:10 - Haley McClain Hill

Again, an essential part of anybody who wants to grow in any aspect of their life. Just like you just said, Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant.

mean, anybody, you know, is going to have a mentor. It is the light. They are the light when you don't know where to go.

They are the flapping the face and they're like, all right, you need to get it together here. I, again, am a former military officer and also an athlete.

So I kind of like the tough love. I'm like, tell me if this is a stupid idea, please. And so you want to find somebody who works well with you and that doesn't make you feel like you have to be somebody else, but they're trying to make you They're you the best version of you.

And so you have, again, product market fit mentor mentee fit is extremely important as well. Finding a mentor I found when.

through my Penn State Network, which I thought that was great because they know who I am and they know who I am, especially back in my college year.

there's a common just denominator there. So looking back in your college space or your high school, somebody who you know who knows you to your core.

And so I mean, shout out to Shannon Grace. That's my business coach and just has been with me every step of the way.

And the cool thing about it too is she kind of becomes your therapist in the way too. I mean, business, you know, it's not just all about what's going on with your businesses.

How is your personal life affecting your business positively or negatively? And how can we, all the whole entrepreneur concept they like to say, so?

@26:46 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, that's a great concept too because at the end of the day, and that's why it's also important to have that exit strategy, right?

Because usually the exit strategy also happens because of a personal life moment, right? Maybe somebody expired or your business partner.

tired or, uh, you know, a pandemic, right? So there's always, uh, some type of life. just being prepared. And that's again, going back to the conversation, Haley and I were having about the operations, right?

You know, having that all ready to go. But you know, thinking about the future, thinking about not because you have multiple businesses.

So thinking about you, Haley, where, where, where are you going in the next five years? Where do you want to see torch warrior where and your other businesses in the next couple of years?

@27:29 - Haley McClain Hill

In the next couple of years, I want us to be a well-oiled machine. I don't want to have to feel this like, oh, want to have some solid systems in place where it's like, this is how we're rolling out products.

This is what conferences we're going to. This is like our annual events. Um, you know, we have all of our people in the place where they need to be.

And, um, when people come in, I'm really big on fostering community in my leadership team and just making sure there's this culture.

of, you know, we're honest, we set, you come in, we work hard, but we also are our family. And so I want to really be able to give, because I'm a new entrepreneur, two, know, three years in, I still like to say I'm still learning.

really am. I want to just feel more confident in my decisions that I'm making as an entrepreneur. And I think with that will allow me to build better relationships outside of my business.

And hopefully we can collaborate with awesome brands and bring some really unique, fun, unique things to the military community.

And personally, know, I'm turning 30 this year, 30 30. So I am looking to start a family and, you know, do that side of things as well.

So I think it's going to become a balancing act. But I don't think you have to choose. I just think that it's just again, managing expectations in your personal professional life and continuing to create at your own speed.

@29:00 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

really like that create at your own speed. I agree, you know, life is just one great balancing act pretty consistently.

And one of the things you mentioned is you've been doing entrepreneurship for about three years, you're still learning, right?

You look, but in those three years, you probably have learned quite bit. Nice. Would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs that are listening?

@29:24 - Haley McClain Hill

To all of the aspiring entrepreneurs out there, man, get ready for the right of a lifetime. And if you do choose to go on this journey, I highly encourage, I mean, that's a tough one.

I mean, there's just so much there. think the first thing you have have to do is find either a community of entrepreneurs or find your own personal business coach that is first and foremost.

You cannot do this alone. You absolutely can't and you shouldn't and you should really prioritize building as many relationships as you can.

I wish that I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur back in middle school so I could start really knowing everybody.

You know what I mean? I think that's really what makes your business run and grow and be successful is the quality of your relationships and so you have to love meeting new people, putting yourself out there, but also fostering the relationships that you have built throughout your life.

So whether you're looking for investors from old coaches or old business partners, whatever, just know that life, everything comes around.

Karma is real and just understand that what you put out there in the world, love, positivity, hard work, it will come back.

to you it will come back to you so keep work you're going to work hard but always choose the right thing be honest and surround yourself with go getter people that is that is number one.

@31:15 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Love and hard work will always come back around folks I really really do love that now folks that are interested Haley in learning about more about you maybe learning more about one of the two companies or multiple companies and continue to watch you grow how can they get in contact with you what is the torch or your wear website how can they purchase some of your items.

@31:34 - Haley McClain Hill

Yeah so I have a one-stop shop website you can go there you can find torch on there so you can set free I speak also I'm a professional speaker so if you felt motivated today I can motivate you let's go I like my cheerside but yeah or you can head over to torch we're super big and present on instagram too at torch underscore warriorwear so thanks

@32:00 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

And if you guys into calf model, I'll jump on stage for you guys as well to show. Oh, Haley, thank you so much for joining the show.

We have fallen off the rails at the end, but it was a great show. Again, thank you so much for what you're doing.

I get really looking at your clothing item. I think it really does cross train a lot of different cultures.

And it's probably really, I think really well needed within the military service line for the female service women that are in that area.

Because again, to your point of feel good, like look good, feel good kind of thing. And having having clothes that makes you feel good, I think you were more productive.

I certainly think so too. That's why I enjoy not having to wear the button up suits all the time.

But hey, sometimes I have to. So Haley, any last words you'd like to say to the listeners?

@32:52 - Haley McClain Hill

Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. This has been a pleasure. I really appreciate you listening and just offering this awesome podcast to everyone.

To everyone listening, you know, I think at the end of the day, can listen to as many podcasts as you want, but at end of the day, get off your and do something cool and you can only learn by doing so go do something with this information and be bold.

@33:16 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yes, be bold and never stop creating, seriously, your kids draw outside the lines. Let them color with multiple different colors and different abstractness and really encourage it because that's where innovation truly happens.

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